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Re: /proc slows % echo /**/*/etc/r*(/N)

On 2024-01-21 22:00, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
You actually can, **/ is shorthand for (*/)# although the latter only
works with extended_glob enabled, the shorthand always works. You can
use any pattern in place of the * if you want (for example,
(^(a|b|c)/)# which would exclude a, b or c from any segment being
recursed), although in the case above I think you'd have actually
wanted /^(proc|sys)/**/etc/r* if the problem was not another typo.

% print -l /^(proc|sys)/**/etc/rc*(/N)

... nothing

% print -l /^(proc|sys)/**/etc/rc*    

... but that's a file not a directory.

Now this is interesting.  Doing your verbatim shorthand swap with '(/N)' added:

0 /etc 0 % print -l /(*/)#etc/rc*(/N)

... but that took 37 seconds!  Trying the 'normal' way:

0 /etc 0 % print -l /**/etc/rc*(/N)  

.... that took 3 seconds!  Not exactly six of one half a dozen of the other, tho the output is correct.

Going back to 'your way' but swapping out the asterisk as you say:

0 /etc 0 % print -l /(^(proc|sys)/)#etc/rc*(/N)

... 7 seconds!  Don't know what to make of it.  It seems very happy not to have to search in proc and sys  OTOH it's still twice as long as the 'regular' syntax.  Leaves me scratchin' my head.  Since I no longer have to worry about the /proc disaster, as Bart rescued me, the only issue now would be performance, and if skipping proc and sys would help with that, fine, but as we see it seems to backfire.  Matter of curiosity only!  Nothing broken, still one might wonder at these changes in performance.  I tend to think of syntax variations as all ending up as the same thing under the hood, but maybe not.  As to proc and sys, my guess would have been that skipping them would make very little difference since they aren't real directories anyway, and yet it makes 5X difference.  Another loop of some sort?  Sorta like my /proc disaster but perhaps resolving itself somehow?

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