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zsh v 2.6-beta13 bug

  HP-UX A.09.01 A 9000/715
  IRIX 5.3 IP22 mips
  SunOS 5.4 sun4d sparc

In 'bindkey -v' mode, if I do the '~' command on an empty line,
the cursor moves up to the first cursor of the line before the current
line.  Instead, nothing should happen.

Additionally, on HP, after doing that, I can sometimes crash zsh, if I do:
1. '~' (as described above)
2. 'j' 'k' 'j' 'k'... (until there's a beep)
3. 'a' (add) ' ' (any character)  (a '^Q' suddenly appears on the command line)
4. <CTRL>-'c' (break)
zsh: 13975 bus error  zsh -f

On SunOS, after step 4, the shell doesn't crash but instead freezes.

- Huy

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