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Code cleanup in ZLE bindings


This patch is a cleanup of part of the ZLE key binding system.
Currently there is a large set of #defines in zle.h, that should be
changed to an enum; this patch does that.  I also take the opportunity
to reorder these symbols alphabetically, to improve maintainability.
The table in zle_bindings.c is necessarily reordered the same way.
Those z_foobar symbols that did not match their editing command (foo-bar)
are renamed, as are a couple of the editing command functions (foobar())
that needlessly differed from the command name.


      Index: Src/hist.c
      *** Src/hist.c	1996/05/07 22:24:21
      --- Src/hist.c	1996/05/08 03:26:23
      *** 832,838 ****
        char *
      !     /* Currently only used by pushpopinput().
             * It's necessary to prevent that from getting too pally with
             * the history code.
      --- 832,838 ----
        char *
      !     /* Currently only used by pushlineoredit().
             * It's necessary to prevent that from getting too pally with
             * the history code.
      Index: Src/zle.h
      *** Src/zle.h	1996/05/07 22:55:46	1.3
      --- Src/zle.h	1996/05/08 03:27:52
      *** 249,416 ****
        ZLEXTERN char *vibuf[36];
        ZLEXTERN char vilinebuf[36];
      ! #define z_acceptandhold 0
      ! #define z_acceptandinfernexthistory 1
      ! #define z_acceptandmenucomplete 2
      ! #define z_acceptline 3
      ! #define z_acceptlineanddownhistory 4
      ! #define z_backwardchar 5
      ! #define z_backwarddeletechar 6
      ! #define z_backwarddeleteword 7
      ! #define z_backwardkillline 8
      ! #define z_backwardkillword 9
      ! #define z_backwardword 10
      ! #define z_beginningofbufferorhistory 11
      ! #define z_beginningofhistory 12
      ! #define z_beginningofline 13
      ! #define z_beginningoflinehist 14
      ! #define z_capitalizeword 15
      ! #define z_clearscreen 16
      ! #define z_completeword 17
      ! #define z_copyprevword 18
      ! #define z_copyregionaskill 19
      ! #define z_deletechar 20
      ! #define z_deletecharorlist 21
      ! #define z_deleteword 22
      ! #define z_digitargument 23
      ! #define z_downcaseword 24
      ! #define z_downhistory 25
      ! #define z_downlineorhistory 26
      ! #define z_endofbufferorhistory 27
      ! #define z_endofhistory 28
      ! #define z_endofline 29
      ! #define z_endoflinehist 30
      ! #define z_exchangepointandmark 31
      ! #define z_executelastnamedcmd 32
      ! #define z_executenamedcmd 33
      ! #define z_expandhistory 34
      ! #define z_expandorcomplete 35
      ! #define z_expandword 36
      ! #define z_forwardchar 37
      ! #define z_forwardword 38
      ! #define z_getline 39
      ! #define z_gosmacstransposechars 40
      ! #define z_historyincrementalsearchbackward 41
      ! #define z_historyincrementalsearchforward 42
      ! #define z_historysearchbackward 43
      ! #define z_historysearchforward 44
      ! #define z_infernexthistory 45
      ! #define z_insertlastword 46
      ! #define z_killbuffer 47
      ! #define z_killline 48
      ! #define z_killregion 49
      ! #define z_killwholeline 50
      ! #define z_listchoices 51
      ! #define z_listexpand 52
      ! #define z_magicspace 53
      ! #define z_menucompleteword 54
      ! #define z_menuexpandorcomplete 55
      ! #define z_overwritemode 56
      ! #define z_pushline 57
      ! #define z_quotedinsert 58
      ! #define z_quoteline 59
      ! #define z_quoteregion 60
      ! #define z_redisplay 61
      ! #define z_reversemenucomplete 62
      ! #define z_runhelp 63
      ! #define z_selfinsert 64
      ! #define z_selfinsertunmeta 65
      ! #define z_sendbreak 66
      ! #define z_sendstring 67
      ! #define z_sequenceleadin 68
      ! #define z_setmarkcommand 69
      ! #define z_spellword 70
      ! #define z_transposechars 71
      ! #define z_transposewords 72
      ! #define z_undefinedkey 73
      ! #define z_undo 74
      ! #define z_universalargument 75
      ! #define z_upcaseword 76
      ! #define z_uphistory 77
      ! #define z_uplineorhistory 78
      ! #define z_viaddeol 79
      ! #define z_viaddnext 80
      ! #define z_vibackwardblankword 81
      ! #define z_vibackwardchar 82
      ! #define z_vibackwarddeletechar 83
      ! #define z_vibeginningofline 84
      ! #define z_vicapslockpanic 85
      ! #define z_vichange 86
      ! #define z_vichangeeol 87
      ! #define z_vichangewholeline 88
      ! #define z_vicmdmode 89
      ! #define z_videlete 90
      ! #define z_videletechar 91
      ! #define z_vidigitorbeginningofline 92
      ! #define z_viendofline 93
      ! #define z_vifetchhistory 94
      ! #define z_vifindnextchar 95
      ! #define z_vifindnextcharskip 96
      ! #define z_vifindprevchar 97
      ! #define z_vifindprevcharskip 98
      ! #define z_vifirstnonblank 99
      ! #define z_viforwardblankword 100
      ! #define z_viforwardblankwordend 101
      ! #define z_viforwardchar 102
      ! #define z_viforwardwordend 103
      ! #define z_vigotocolumn 104
      ! #define z_vigotomark 105
      ! #define z_vigotomarkline 106
      ! #define z_vihistorysearchbackward 107
      ! #define z_vihistorysearchforward 108
      ! #define z_viindent 109
      ! #define z_viinsert 110
      ! #define z_viinsertbol 111
      ! #define z_vijoin 112
      ! #define z_vimatchbracket 113
      ! #define z_viopenlineabove 114
      ! #define z_viopenlinebelow 115
      ! #define z_vioperswapcases 116
      ! #define z_viputafter 117
      ! #define z_virepeatchange 118
      ! #define z_virepeatfind 119
      ! #define z_virepeatsearch 120
      ! #define z_vireplace 121
      ! #define z_vireplacechars 122
      ! #define z_virevrepeatfind 123
      ! #define z_virevrepeatsearch 124
      ! #define z_visetbuffer 125
      ! #define z_visetmark 126
      ! #define z_visubstitute 127
      ! #define z_viswapcase 128
      ! #define z_viundochange                   129
      ! #define z_viunindent                     130
      ! #define z_viyank                         131
      ! #define z_viyankeol                      132
      ! #define z_whichcommand                   133
      ! #define z_yank                           134
      ! #define z_yankpop                        135
      ! #define z_emacsbackwardword              136
      ! #define z_emacsforwardword               137
      ! #define z_killword                       138
      ! #define z_vikillline                     139
      ! #define z_vibackwardkillword             140
      ! #define z_expandcmdpath                  141
      ! #define z_negargument                    142
      ! #define z_poundinsert                    143
      ! #define z_viforwardword                  144
      ! #define z_vibackwardword                 145
      ! #define z_uplineorsearch                 146
      ! #define z_downlineorsearch               147
      ! #define z_pushinput                      148
      ! #define z_pushpopinput                   149
      ! #define z_historybeginningsearchbackward 150
      ! #define z_historybeginningsearchforward  151
      ! #define z_expandorcompleteprefix         152
      ! #define z_describekeybriefly             153
      ! #define z_whereis                        154
      ! #define z_vikilleol                      155
      ! #define z_viyankwholeline                156
      ! #define z_viputbefore                    157
      ! #define z_vipoundinsert                  158
      ! #define z_viuplineorhistory              159
      ! #define z_vidownlineorhistory            160
      ! #define z_viquotedinsert                 161
      ! #define ZLECMDCOUNT                      162
        extern struct zlecmd zlecmds[];
      --- 249,418 ----
        ZLEXTERN char *vibuf[36];
        ZLEXTERN char vilinebuf[36];
      ! enum {
      !     z_acceptandhold,
      !     z_acceptandinfernexthistory,
      !     z_acceptandmenucomplete,
      !     z_acceptline,
      !     z_acceptlineanddownhistory,
      !     z_backwardchar,
      !     z_backwarddeletechar,
      !     z_backwarddeleteword,
      !     z_backwardkillline,
      !     z_backwardkillword,
      !     z_backwardword,
      !     z_beginningofbufferorhistory,
      !     z_beginningofhistory,
      !     z_beginningofline,
      !     z_beginningoflinehist,
      !     z_capitalizeword,
      !     z_clearscreen,
      !     z_completeword,
      !     z_copyprevword,
      !     z_copyregionaskill,
      !     z_deletechar,
      !     z_deletecharorlist,
      !     z_deleteword,
      !     z_describekeybriefly,
      !     z_digitargument,
      !     z_downcaseword,
      !     z_downhistory,
      !     z_downlineorhistory,
      !     z_downlineorsearch,
      !     z_emacsbackwardword,
      !     z_emacsforwardword,
      !     z_endofbufferorhistory,
      !     z_endofhistory,
      !     z_endofline,
      !     z_endoflinehist,
      !     z_exchangepointandmark,
      !     z_executelastnamedcmd,
      !     z_executenamedcmd,
      !     z_expandcmdpath,
      !     z_expandhistory,
      !     z_expandorcomplete,
      !     z_expandorcompleteprefix,
      !     z_expandword,
      !     z_forwardchar,
      !     z_forwardword,
      !     z_getline,
      !     z_gosmacstransposechars,
      !     z_historybeginningsearchbackward,
      !     z_historybeginningsearchforward,
      !     z_historyincrementalsearchbackward,
      !     z_historyincrementalsearchforward,
      !     z_historysearchbackward,
      !     z_historysearchforward,
      !     z_infernexthistory,
      !     z_insertlastword,
      !     z_killbuffer,
      !     z_killline,
      !     z_killregion,
      !     z_killwholeline,
      !     z_killword,
      !     z_listchoices,
      !     z_listexpand,
      !     z_magicspace,
      !     z_menucomplete,
      !     z_menuexpandorcomplete,
      !     z_negargument,
      !     z_overwritemode,
      !     z_poundinsert,
      !     z_prefix,
      !     z_pushinput,
      !     z_pushline,
      !     z_pushlineoredit,
      !     z_quotedinsert,
      !     z_quoteline,
      !     z_quoteregion,
      !     z_redisplay,
      !     z_reversemenucomplete,
      !     z_runhelp,
      !     z_selfinsert,
      !     z_selfinsertunmeta,
      !     z_sendbreak,
      !     z_sendstring,
      !     z_setmarkcommand,
      !     z_spellword,
      !     z_transposechars,
      !     z_transposewords,
      !     z_undefinedkey,
      !     z_undo,
      !     z_universalargument,
      !     z_upcaseword,
      !     z_uphistory,
      !     z_uplineorhistory,
      !     z_uplineorsearch,
      !     z_viaddeol,
      !     z_viaddnext,
      !     z_vibackwardblankword,
      !     z_vibackwardchar,
      !     z_vibackwarddeletechar,
      !     z_vibackwardkillword,
      !     z_vibackwardword,
      !     z_vibeginningofline,
      !     z_vicapslockpanic,
      !     z_vichange,
      !     z_vichangeeol,
      !     z_vichangewholeline,
      !     z_vicmdmode,
      !     z_videlete,
      !     z_videletechar,
      !     z_vidigitorbeginningofline,
      !     z_vidownlineorhistory,
      !     z_viendofline,
      !     z_vifetchhistory,
      !     z_vifindnextchar,
      !     z_vifindnextcharskip,
      !     z_vifindprevchar,
      !     z_vifindprevcharskip,
      !     z_vifirstnonblank,
      !     z_viforwardblankword,
      !     z_viforwardblankwordend,
      !     z_viforwardchar,
      !     z_viforwardword,
      !     z_viforwardwordend,
      !     z_vigotocolumn,
      !     z_vigotomark,
      !     z_vigotomarkline,
      !     z_vihistorysearchbackward,
      !     z_vihistorysearchforward,
      !     z_viindent,
      !     z_viinsert,
      !     z_viinsertbol,
      !     z_vijoin,
      !     z_vikilleol,
      !     z_vikillline,
      !     z_vimatchbracket,
      !     z_viopenlineabove,
      !     z_viopenlinebelow,
      !     z_vioperswapcases,
      !     z_vipoundinsert,
      !     z_viputafter,
      !     z_viputbefore,
      !     z_viquotedinsert,
      !     z_virepeatchange,
      !     z_virepeatfind,
      !     z_virepeatsearch,
      !     z_vireplace,
      !     z_vireplacechars,
      !     z_virevrepeatfind,
      !     z_virevrepeatsearch,
      !     z_visetbuffer,
      !     z_visetmark,
      !     z_visubstitute,
      !     z_viswapcase,
      !     z_viundochange,
      !     z_viunindent,
      !     z_viuplineorhistory,
      !     z_viyank,
      !     z_viyankeol,
      !     z_viyankwholeline,
      !     z_whereis,
      !     z_whichcommand,
      !     z_yank,
      !     z_yankpop,
      !     ZLECMDCOUNT
      ! };
        extern struct zlecmd zlecmds[];
      Index: Src/zle_bindings.c
      *** Src/zle_bindings.c	1996/04/16 22:17:20	1.3
      --- Src/zle_bindings.c	1996/05/08 03:27:50
      *** 57,66 ****
      --- 57,70 ----
            {"delete-char", deletechar, ZLE_DELETE},
            {"delete-char-or-list", deletecharorlist, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"delete-word", deleteword, ZLE_DELETE},
      +     {"describe-key-briefly", describekeybriefly, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"digit-argument", digitargument, ZLE_DIGIT | ZLE_ARG | ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"down-case-word", downcaseword, 0},
            {"down-history", downhistory, 0},
            {"down-line-or-history", downlineorhistory, ZLE_MOVEMENT | ZLE_LINEMOVE},
      +     {"down-line-or-search", downlineorsearch, ZLE_MOVEMENT | ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      +     {"emacs-backward-word", emacsbackwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      +     {"emacs-forward-word", emacsforwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"end-of-buffer-or-history", endofbufferorhistory, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"end-of-history", endofhistory, 0},
            {"end-of-line", endofline, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      *** 68,80 ****
      --- 72,88 ----
            {"exchange-point-and-mark", exchangepointandmark, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"execute-last-named-cmd", (F) 0, 0},
            {"execute-named-cmd", (F) 0, 0},
      +     {"expand-cmd-path", expandcmdpath, 0},
            {"expand-history", expandhistory, 0},
            {"expand-or-complete", expandorcomplete, ZLE_MENUCMP},
      +     {"expand-or-complete-prefix", expandorcompleteprefix, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"expand-word", expandword, 0},
            {"forward-char", forwardchar, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"forward-word", forwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"get-line", getline, 0},
            {"gosmacs-transpose-chars", gosmacstransposechars, 0},
      +     {"history-beginning-search-backward", historybeginningsearchbackward, ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      +     {"history-beginning-search-forward", historybeginningsearchforward, ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
            {"history-incremental-search-backward", historyincrementalsearchbackward, 0},
            {"history-incremental-search-forward", historyincrementalsearchforward, 0},
            {"history-search-backward", historysearchbackward, ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      *** 85,97 ****
            {"kill-line", killline, ZLE_KILL},
            {"kill-region", killregion, ZLE_KILL},
            {"kill-whole-line", killwholeline, ZLE_KILL},
      !     {"list-choices", listchoices, ZLE_DELETE | ZLE_MENUCMP},	/* ZLE_DELETE fixes autoremoveslash */
            {"list-expand", listexpand, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"magic-space", magicspace, 0},
      !     {"menu-complete", menucompleteword, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"menu-expand-or-complete", menuexpandorcomplete, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"overwrite-mode", overwritemode, 0},
            {"push-line", pushline, 0},
            {"quoted-insert", quotedinsert, ZLE_INSERT},
            {"quote-line", quoteline, 0},
            {"quote-region", quoteregion, 0},
      --- 93,111 ----
            {"kill-line", killline, ZLE_KILL},
            {"kill-region", killregion, ZLE_KILL},
            {"kill-whole-line", killwholeline, ZLE_KILL},
      !     {"kill-word", killword, ZLE_KILL},
      !     {"list-choices", listchoices, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"list-expand", listexpand, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"magic-space", magicspace, 0},
      !     {"menu-complete", menucomplete, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"menu-expand-or-complete", menuexpandorcomplete, ZLE_MENUCMP},
      +     {"neg-argument", negargument, ZLE_NEGARG | ZLE_ARG | ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"overwrite-mode", overwritemode, 0},
      +     {"pound-insert", poundinsert, 0},
      +     {"prefix", (F) 0, 0},
      +     {"push-input", pushinput, 0},
            {"push-line", pushline, 0},
      +     {"push-line-or-edit", pushlineoredit, 0},
            {"quoted-insert", quotedinsert, ZLE_INSERT},
            {"quote-line", quoteline, 0},
            {"quote-region", quoteregion, 0},
      *** 102,108 ****
            {"self-insert-unmeta", selfinsertunmeta, ZLE_INSERT},
            {"send-break", sendbreak, 0},
            {"send-string", sendstring, 0},
      -     {"prefix", (F) 0, 0},
            {"set-mark-command", setmarkcommand, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"spell-word", spellword, 0},
            {"transpose-chars", transposechars, 0},
      --- 116,121 ----
      *** 113,123 ****
      --- 126,139 ----
            {"up-case-word", upcaseword, 0},
            {"up-history", uphistory, 0},
            {"up-line-or-history", uplineorhistory, ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      +     {"up-line-or-search", uplineorsearch, ZLE_MOVEMENT | ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
            {"vi-add-eol", viaddeol, 0},
            {"vi-add-next", viaddnext, 0},
            {"vi-backward-blank-word", vibackwardblankword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-backward-char", vibackwardchar, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-backward-delete-char", vibackwarddeletechar, ZLE_DELETE},
      +     {"vi-backward-kill-word", vibackwardkillword, ZLE_KILL},
      +     {"vi-backward-word", vibackwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-beginning-of-line", vibeginningofline, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-caps-lock-panic", vicapslockpanic, 0},
            {"vi-change", vichange, 0},
      *** 127,132 ****
      --- 143,149 ----
            {"vi-delete", videlete, ZLE_KILL},
            {"vi-delete-char", videletechar, ZLE_DELETE},
            {"vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line", (F) 0, 0},
      +     {"vi-down-line-or-history", vidownlineorhistory, ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-end-of-line", viendofline, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-fetch-history", vifetchhistory, 0},
            {"vi-find-next-char", vifindnextchar, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      *** 137,142 ****
      --- 154,160 ----
            {"vi-forward-blank-word", viforwardblankword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-forward-blank-word-end", viforwardblankwordend, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-forward-char", viforwardchar, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      +     {"vi-forward-word", viforwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-forward-word-end", viforwardwordend, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-goto-column", vigotocolumn, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-goto-mark", vigotomark, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      *** 147,157 ****
      --- 165,180 ----
            {"vi-insert", viinsert, 0},
            {"vi-insert-bol", viinsertbol, 0},
            {"vi-join", vijoin, 0},
      +     {"vi-kill-eol", vikilleol, ZLE_KILL},
      +     {"vi-kill-line", vikillline, ZLE_KILL},
            {"vi-match-bracket", vimatchbracket, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-open-line-above", viopenlineabove, 0},
            {"vi-open-line-below", viopenlinebelow, 0},
            {"vi-oper-swap-case", vioperswapcase, 0},
      +     {"vi-pound-insert", vipoundinsert, 0},
            {"vi-put-after", viputafter, ZLE_YANK},
      +     {"vi-put-before", viputbefore, ZLE_YANK},
      +     {"vi-quoted-insert", viquotedinsert, ZLE_INSERT},
            {"vi-repeat-change", virepeatchange, 0},
            {"vi-repeat-find", virepeatfind, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-repeat-search", virepeatsearch, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      *** 165,201 ****
            {"vi-swap-case", viswapcase, 0},
            {"vi-undo-change", undo, 0},
            {"vi-unindent", viunindent, 0},
            {"vi-yank", viyank, 0},
            {"vi-yank-eol", viyankeol, 0},
            {"which-command", processcmd, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"yank", yank, ZLE_YANK},
            {"yank-pop", yankpop, ZLE_YANK},
      -     {"emacs-backward-word", emacsbackwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"emacs-forward-word", emacsforwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"kill-word", killword, ZLE_KILL},
      -     {"vi-kill-line", vikillline, ZLE_KILL},
      -     {"vi-backward-kill-word", vibackwardkillword, ZLE_KILL},
      -     {"expand-cmd-path", expandcmdpath, 0},
      -     {"neg-argument", negargument, ZLE_NEGARG | ZLE_ARG | ZLE_MENUCMP},
      -     {"pound-insert", poundinsert, 0},
      -     {"vi-forward-word", viforwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"vi-backward-word", vibackwardword, ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"up-line-or-search", uplineorsearch, ZLE_MOVEMENT | ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      -     {"down-line-or-search", downlineorsearch, ZLE_MOVEMENT | ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      -     {"push-input", pushinput, 0},
      -     {"push-line-or-edit", pushpopinput, 0},
      -     {"history-beginning-search-backward", historybeginningsearchbackward, ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      -     {"history-beginning-search-forward", historybeginningsearchforward, ZLE_HISTSEARCH},
      -     {"expand-or-complete-prefix", expandorcompleteprefix, ZLE_MENUCMP},
      -     {"describe-key-briefly", describekeybriefly, ZLE_MENUCMP},
      -     {"where-is", whereis, ZLE_MENUCMP},
      -     {"vi-kill-eol", vikilleol, ZLE_KILL},
      -     {"vi-yank-whole-line", viyankwholeline, 0},
      -     {"vi-put-before", viputbefore, ZLE_YANK},
      -     {"vi-pound-insert", vipoundinsert, 0},
      -     {"vi-up-line-or-history", viuplineorhistory, ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"vi-down-line-or-history", vidownlineorhistory, ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_MOVEMENT},
      -     {"vi-quoted-insert", viquotedinsert, ZLE_INSERT},
            {"", (F) 0, 0}
      --- 188,201 ----
            {"vi-swap-case", viswapcase, 0},
            {"vi-undo-change", undo, 0},
            {"vi-unindent", viunindent, 0},
      +     {"vi-up-line-or-history", viuplineorhistory, ZLE_LINEMOVE | ZLE_MOVEMENT},
            {"vi-yank", viyank, 0},
            {"vi-yank-eol", viyankeol, 0},
      +     {"vi-yank-whole-line", viyankwholeline, 0},
      +     {"where-is", whereis, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"which-command", processcmd, ZLE_MENUCMP},
            {"yank", yank, ZLE_YANK},
            {"yank-pop", yankpop, ZLE_YANK},
            {"", (F) 0, 0}
      *** 225,234 ****
            /* ^U */ z_killwholeline,
            /* ^V */ z_quotedinsert,
            /* ^W */ z_backwardkillword,
      !     /* ^X */ z_sequenceleadin,
            /* ^Y */ z_yank,
            /* ^Z */ z_undefinedkey,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_sequenceleadin,
            /* ^\ */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^] */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^^ */ z_undefinedkey,
      --- 225,234 ----
            /* ^U */ z_killwholeline,
            /* ^V */ z_quotedinsert,
            /* ^W */ z_backwardkillword,
      !     /* ^X */ z_prefix,
            /* ^Y */ z_yank,
            /* ^Z */ z_undefinedkey,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_prefix,
            /* ^\ */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^] */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^^ */ z_undefinedkey,
      *** 488,494 ****
            /* ^X */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^Y */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^Z */ z_selfinsert,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_sequenceleadin,
            /* ^\ */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^] */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^^ */ z_selfinsert,
      --- 488,494 ----
            /* ^X */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^Y */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^Z */ z_selfinsert,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_prefix,
            /* ^\ */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^] */ z_selfinsert,
            /* ^^ */ z_selfinsert,
      *** 524,530 ****
            /* ^X */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^Y */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^Z */ z_undefinedkey,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_sequenceleadin,
            /* ^\ */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^] */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^^ */ z_undefinedkey,
      --- 524,530 ----
            /* ^X */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^Y */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^Z */ z_undefinedkey,
      !     /* ^[ */ z_prefix,
            /* ^\ */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^] */ z_undefinedkey,
            /* ^^ */ z_undefinedkey,
      Index: Src/zle_hist.c
      *** Src/zle_hist.c	1996/05/07 22:55:47	1.4
      --- Src/zle_hist.c	1996/05/08 03:25:45
      *** 494,500 ****
      ! pushpopinput(void)
            int ics;
            char *iline, *hline = hgetline();
      --- 494,500 ----
      ! pushlineoredit(void)
            int ics;
            char *iline, *hline = hgetline();
      *** 525,531 ****
            if (!isfirstln)
      !     pushpopinput();
      --- 525,531 ----
            if (!isfirstln)
      !     pushlineoredit();
      Index: Src/zle_main.c
      *** Src/zle_main.c	1996/05/07 22:55:47	1.6
      --- Src/zle_main.c	1996/05/08 03:28:37
      *** 516,522 ****
            if ((c = getkey(0)) < 0)
        	return -1;
            keybuf[0] = c;
      !     if ((ret = bindtab[c]) == z_sequenceleadin) {
        	int lastlen = 0, t0 = 1, firstc = c;
        	Key ky;
      --- 516,522 ----
            if ((c = getkey(0)) < 0)
        	return -1;
            keybuf[0] = c;
      !     if ((ret = bindtab[c]) == z_prefix) {
        	int lastlen = 0, t0 = 1, firstc = c;
        	Key ky;
      *** 955,961 ****
        		return 1;
        	    if (ops['r']) {
      ! 		if (len == 1 && func != z_sequenceleadin) {
        		    tab[(unsigned char)*s] = z_undefinedkey;
        		    if (func == z_sendstring)
        			free(keybindtab->removenode(keybindtab, s));
      --- 955,961 ----
        		return 1;
        	    if (ops['r']) {
      ! 		if (len == 1 && func != z_prefix) {
        		    tab[(unsigned char)*s] = z_undefinedkey;
        		    if (func == z_sendstring)
        			free(keybindtab->removenode(keybindtab, s));
      *** 1010,1016 ****
        	} else
        	    func = z_sendstring;
      ! 	if (len == 1 && tab[(unsigned char)*s] != z_sequenceleadin) {
        	    if (ops['s']) {
        		keybindtab->addnode(keybindtab, ztrdup(s), cur = makefunckey(z_sendstring));
        	    } else if (tab[(unsigned char)*s] == z_sendstring)
      --- 1010,1016 ----
        	} else
        	    func = z_sendstring;
      ! 	if (len == 1 && tab[(unsigned char)*s] != z_prefix) {
        	    if (ops['s']) {
        		keybindtab->addnode(keybindtab, ztrdup(s), cur = makefunckey(z_sendstring));
        	    } else if (tab[(unsigned char)*s] == z_sendstring)
      *** 1043,1051 ****
        		keybindtab->addnode(keybindtab, ztrdup(s), cur = makefunckey(func));
        	    if (firstzero)
        		*s = 0;
      ! 	    if (tab[(unsigned char)*s] != z_sequenceleadin) {
        		cur->func = tab[(unsigned char)*s];
      ! 		tab[(unsigned char)*s] = z_sequenceleadin;
        	if (ops['s']) {
      --- 1043,1051 ----
        		keybindtab->addnode(keybindtab, ztrdup(s), cur = makefunckey(func));
        	    if (firstzero)
        		*s = 0;
      ! 	    if (tab[(unsigned char)*s] != z_prefix) {
        		cur->func = tab[(unsigned char)*s];
      ! 		tab[(unsigned char)*s] = z_prefix;
        	if (ops['s']) {
      Index: Src/zle_tricky.c
      *** Src/zle_tricky.c	1996/05/07 22:55:49	1.8
      --- Src/zle_tricky.c	1996/05/08 03:24:21
      *** 212,218 ****
      ! menucompleteword(void)
            usemenu = 1;
            useglob = isset(GLOBCOMPLETE);
      --- 212,218 ----
      ! menucomplete(void)
            usemenu = 1;
            useglob = isset(GLOBCOMPLETE);
      *** 304,310 ****
            if (!menucmp) {
      ! 	menucompleteword();	/* better than just feep'ing, pem */
            if (menucur == amatches)
      --- 304,310 ----
            if (!menucmp) {
      ! 	menucomplete();	/* better than just feep'ing, pem */
            if (menucur == amatches)
      *** 341,347 ****
            menuend = cs + (lsuf ? strlen(lsuf) : 0);
            menulen = 0;
            menuwe = 1;
      !     menucompleteword();
        /* these are flags saying if we are completing in the command
      --- 341,347 ----
            menuend = cs + (lsuf ? strlen(lsuf) : 0);
            menulen = 0;
            menuwe = 1;
      !     menucomplete();
        /* these are flags saying if we are completing in the command
      Index: Src/zle_vi.c
      *** Src/zle_vi.c	1996/04/18 16:23:17	1.4
      --- Src/zle_vi.c	1996/05/08 03:28:18
      *** 86,92 ****
        	return 0;
            cmd = mainbindtab[c];
      !     if(cmd == z_sequenceleadin) {
        	char buf[2];
        	Key ky;
        	buf[0] = c;
      --- 86,92 ----
        	return 0;
            cmd = mainbindtab[c];
      !     if(cmd == z_prefix) {
        	char buf[2];
        	Key ky;
        	buf[0] = c;

Version: 2.6.2


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