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Directory stack and pushd/popd in zsh-2.6-beta17


First I would like to thank you for the beta17 release, I was really waiting
for the full character support.

Then to questions. I noticed that in this release popd builtin doesn't work
as it used to. It really doesn't change the working directory. I tried it
with and without pushd command ( I have autopushd option set ), but the
result was the same. I also tried to unset autopushd option and without my
chpwd function. I checked what is happening to the directory stack and
here is something funny:

myprompt % pwd
myprompt % dirs -v
0       /disks/tennari/users/jussa
1       /disks/lapikas2/bin
2       /disks/lapikas2/bin/X11
3       /disks/mono2/local
4       /usr
5       /
6       /disks/tennari/users
myprompt % popd
myprompt % pwd
myprompt % dirs -v
0       /disks/tennari/users/jussa
1       /disks/lapikas2/bin/X11
2       /disks/mono2/local
3       /usr
4       /
5       /disks/tennari/users
myprompt % 

popd buitin seems to take out directory stack entry numbered "1" and then
rearrange the rest of the stack and then change to directory entry numbered
"0" which is where we currently are!

So is this happening to everybody or am I doing something wrong here? Please
reply to me if you can help me, I am not on the zsh-workers list.

This is what I have:

Compiler: HP92453-01 A.09.77 HP C Compiler

		Juha Leskela

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