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Re: Bug in beta21

>>>>> "Zoltan" == Zoltan Hidvegi <hzoli@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> This was also in beta20.  (It's these darned bug checks that were
>> added, I never get these messages in beta19!)

> But these bugs were there anyway.  Each time you see this a
> potential memory leak may occur.

I know.  It's my British dry humour.

> I cannot reproduce it.  You may have some compctl's which may cause
> that.  Please try to reproduce it starting with zsh -f, with a
> minimal set of options.

Of course, I should have done that in the first place.  It appears
that it's not the options, but something I have in my .zshrc file to
set the titlebar of xterms.  It's something I don't like all that much
anyway (it's annoying when I'm using the scrollbar and every five
seconds zsh thwarts me because I have whatever xterm option it is
(scrollttyoutput?) set).

Here's the offending fragment:

if [[ "$TERM" = xterm || "$TERM" = aixterm ]]
        typeset -l titlebartime
	set-titlebar() {
		titlebartime=$(print -Pn "%D{%r}")
		print -Pn "\E]0;%~@%m   $titlebartime, %D{%A %d %B %Y}\C-g"
	trap set-titlebar ALRM

I get the bug with zsh -f, and after typing in the above.  It's a bit
intermittent, but not difficult to reproduce.

Bruce Stephens			| email: B.Stephens@xxxxxxxxxxx
Utrecht University              | telephone: +31 30 2534630
Department of Mathematics       | telefax:   +31 30 2518394
P.O. Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht |
The Netherlands                 |

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