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Re: First zle_refresh.c patch

> a screenful of text).  Scrolling for >=9600 is line by line (much prettier).

Yes it is good, however I do not like that the cursor is always in the
bottom screen line.  Long multiline buffers usually occur in zed when I
edit a file.  In that case I do not like to scroll the screen each time I
press up/down arrow.  I think zsh should behave like other editors.  It
should only scroll when the cursor would go off the screen without
scrolling.  There are two solutions for that case:  one is used in emacs
which scrolls a half screen while the other is used in joe which scrolls
line by line.  Before these patches zsh scrolled a half screen each time
the cursor reached the middle of the screen.  I did not like that.

An alternative solution may be to scroll when the line is near to the
bottom or top of the screen so that a three line context around the cursor
is always wisible.


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