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querying the emulation mode


The patch below makes the emulate builtin display the current emulation
mode if it is invoked with no arguments.  It also adds use of this
feature to the reporter script.

I think this is necessary, as the emulation is currently an important
bit of state that can't be queried.  The alternative to this mechanism
is to add another special parameter for [sg]etting the emulation, but
that would rather amusingly have to be disabled in sh/ksh mode.


      Index: Doc/zshbuiltins.man
      RCS file: /home/zefram/usr/cvsroot/zsh/Doc/zshbuiltins.man,v
      retrieving revision 1.7
      diff -c -r1.7 zshbuiltins.man
      *** zshbuiltins.man	1996/07/16 14:26:41	1.7
      --- zshbuiltins.man	1996/07/16 16:47:26
      *** 317,322 ****
      --- 317,323 ----
        If the argument is not one of the shells listed above,
        .B zsh
        will be used as a default.
      + If no argument is given, the current emulation mode is printed.
        \fBenable\fP [ \-\fBafmr\fP ] \fIarg\fP ...
        Enable the hash table element named \fIarg\fP, presumably disabled
      Index: Src/builtin.c
      RCS file: /home/zefram/usr/cvsroot/zsh/Src/builtin.c,v
      retrieving revision 1.23
      diff -c -r1.23 builtin.c
      *** builtin.c	1996/07/16 16:35:52	1.23
      --- builtin.c	1996/07/16 16:42:55
      *** 4677,4683 ****
        bin_emulate(char *nam, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
      !     emulate(*argv, 0);
            return 0;
      --- 4677,4689 ----
        bin_emulate(char *nam, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
      !     /* The order of values in this array must match the *
      !      * order of the EMULATE_* constants in zsh.h.       */
      !     char const *emulations[]={"csh", "ksh", "sh", "zsh"};
      !     if(*argv)
      ! 	emulate(*argv, 0);
      !     else
      ! 	printf("%s\n", emulations[emulation]);
            return 0;
      Index: Src/hashtable.h
      RCS file: /home/zefram/usr/cvsroot/zsh/Src/hashtable.h,v
      retrieving revision 1.9
      diff -c -r1.9 hashtable.h
      *** hashtable.h	1996/07/16 14:26:53	1.9
      --- hashtable.h	1996/07/16 16:43:43
      *** 252,258 ****
            {NULL, "disown", 0, bin_fg, 0, -1, BIN_DISOWN, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "echo", BINF_PRINTOPTS | BINF_ECHOPTS, bin_print, 0, -1, BIN_ECHO, "neE", "-"},
            {NULL, "echotc", 0, bin_echotc, 1, -1, 0, NULL, NULL},
      !     {NULL, "emulate", 0, bin_emulate, 1, 1, 0, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "enable", 0, bin_enable, 0, -1, BIN_ENABLE, "afmr", NULL},
            {NULL, "eval", 0, bin_eval, 0, -1, BIN_EVAL, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "exit", 0, bin_break, 0, 1, BIN_EXIT, NULL, NULL},
      --- 252,258 ----
            {NULL, "disown", 0, bin_fg, 0, -1, BIN_DISOWN, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "echo", BINF_PRINTOPTS | BINF_ECHOPTS, bin_print, 0, -1, BIN_ECHO, "neE", "-"},
            {NULL, "echotc", 0, bin_echotc, 1, -1, 0, NULL, NULL},
      !     {NULL, "emulate", 0, bin_emulate, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "enable", 0, bin_enable, 0, -1, BIN_ENABLE, "afmr", NULL},
            {NULL, "eval", 0, bin_eval, 0, -1, BIN_EVAL, NULL, NULL},
            {NULL, "exit", 0, bin_break, 0, 1, BIN_EXIT, NULL, NULL},
      Index: Util/reporter
      RCS file: /home/zefram/usr/cvsroot/zsh/Util/reporter,v
      retrieving revision
      diff -c -r1.1.1.6 reporter
      *** reporter	1996/05/23 10:57:12
      --- reporter	1996/07/16 16:57:39
      *** 28,33 ****
      --- 28,34 ----
        #	"aliases"	prints only aliases.
        #	"bindings"	prints only "bindkey" commands.
        #	"completion"	prints only "compctl" commands.
      + #	"emulation"	prints the emulation mode
        #	"functions"	prints "autoload" commands or actual functions.
        #	"limits"	prints "limit" commands for things like cputime, etc.
        #	"options"	prints "setopt" commands.
      *** 98,103 ****
      --- 99,105 ----
        		ali*)	reporter_do_aliases=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
        		b*)	reporter_do_bindings=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
        		c*)	reporter_do_compctl=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
      + 		e*)	reporter_do_emulation=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
        		f*)	reporter_do_fun=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
        		l*)	reporter_do_lim=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
        		o*)	reporter_do_setopt=yes; reporter_do_all=no ;;
      *** 378,383 ****
      --- 380,398 ----
      + #	EMULATION
      + #
      + if test "$reporter_do_all" = "yes" -o "$reporter_do_emulation" = "yes"
      + then
      + 	echo
      + 	echo '# Emulation.'
      + 	echo
      + 	echo "emulate $(emulate)"
      + fi
      + #
        #	SETOPT
        #	We exclude interactive because "setopt interactive" has no effect.
      *** 415,420 ****
      --- 430,436 ----
        unset reporter_do_aliases
        unset reporter_do_bindings
        unset reporter_do_compctl
      + unset reporter_do_emulation
        unset reporter_do_fun
        unset reporter_do_lim
        unset reporter_do_setopt

Version: 2.6.2


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