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Re: Problems with zsh & HP10.20

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxx>

>  The cursor keys send different codes depending on the terminal; zsh
>  only binds the most well known versions.

But the termcap/terminfo names are (hopefully) the same.

 If you see these problems,
>  try putting the following in your tt(.zshrc):
>  verb(
>    bindkey "$(echotc kl)" backward-char
>    bindkey "$(echotc kr)" forward-char
>    bindkey "$(echotc ku)" up-line-or-history
>    bindkey "$(echotc kd)" down-line-or-history
>  )
 I don't understand, why ZSH cannot do it, if it tries to initialize cursor
keys at all. Or better leave it to user and explicitly state, that cursor
keys are *not* bound by default.

A. Borsenkow

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