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Re: zle vi-mode tilde bug?

On Sat, Nov 21, 1998 at 03:59:06PM -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
[vi-oper-swap-case stuff]
> I've been playing with this and I agree that the behavior is pretty odd.
> The following patch seems to make it more sensible; with this patch, the
> cursor always ends up at the end of the motion, except that on ~~ (upcase
> the current line) it always ends up at the end of the line.

For the record, both versions of vi that I know of that have tildeop
(nvi and vim) leave the cursor on the first changed character.  This is
consistent with cs=oldcs, just without the vifirstnonblank() :^)

--> Phil Pennock ; GAT d- s+:+ a22 C++(++++) UL++++/I+++/S+++/H+ P++@ L+++
E-@ W(+) N>++ o !K w--- O>+ M V !PS PE Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ X+ R !tv b++>+++ DI+ D+
G+ e+ h* r y?

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