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Re: Completion in braces and accept-and-menu-complete

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> I had /tools/lib/zsh/zsh-3.1.4
>                             zsh-3.1.5
>                             zsh-3.1.5-pws-5
>                             libzsh-3.1.4.so
> I did
> rm -rf /tools/lib/zsh/{z<TAB>
> and correctly got listing. Unfotunately, when I pressed ESC-ENTER (bound to
> accept-and-menu-complete) I got
> rm -rf /tools/lib/zsh/{zsh-3.1.4 /tools/lib/zsh/{zsh-3.1.5
> obviously, not what I had in mind.

Good point.


--- os/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Wed Jan 27 13:44:28 1999
+++ Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Wed Jan 27 13:48:56 1999
@@ -98,10 +98,12 @@
 /* This is for completion inside a brace expansion. brbeg and brend hold  *
  * strings that were temporarily removed from the string to complete.     *
- * brpl and brsl hold the offset of these strings.                        */
+ * brpl and brsl hold the offset of these strings.                        *
+ * brpcs and brscs hold the positions of the re-inserted string in the    *
+ * line.                                                                  */
 static char *brbeg = NULL, *brend = NULL;
-static int brpl, brsl;
+static int brpl, brsl, brpcs, brscs;
 /* The list of matches.  fmatches contains the matches we first ignore *
  * because of fignore.                                                 */
@@ -426,19 +428,30 @@
-    int sl = suffixlen[' '];
     if (!menucmp) {
-    cs = menupos + menulen + menuinsc;
-    if (sl)
-	backdel(sl);
-    inststrlen(" ", 1, 1);
-    menuinsc = menulen = 0;
-    menupos = cs;
-    menuwe = 1;
+    if (brbeg && *brbeg) {
+	int l = (brscs >= 0 ? brscs : cs) - brpcs;
+	zsfree(brbeg);
+	brbeg = (char *) zalloc(l + 2);
+	memcpy(brbeg, line + brpcs, l);
+	brbeg[l] = ',';
+	brbeg[l + 1] = '\0';
+    } else {
+	int sl = suffixlen[' '];
+	cs = menupos + menulen + menuinsc;
+	if (sl)
+	    backdel(sl);
+	inststrlen(" ", 1, 1);
+	menuinsc = menulen = 0;
+	menupos = cs;
+	menuwe = 1;
+    }
@@ -2364,6 +2377,7 @@
     if (brbeg && *brbeg) {
 	cs = a + m->brpl + (m->pre ? strlen(m->pre) : 0);
 	l = strlen(brbeg);
+	brpcs = cs;
 	inststrlen(brbeg, 1, l);
 	r += l;
 	ocs += l;
@@ -2376,12 +2390,13 @@
     if (brend && *brend) {
 	a = cs;
 	cs -= m->brsl;
-	ocs = cs;
+	ocs = brscs = cs;
 	l = strlen(brend);
 	inststrlen(brend, 1, l);
 	r += l;
 	cs = a + l;
-    }
+    } else
+	brscs = -1;
     if (m->suf) {
 	inststrlen(m->suf, 1, (l = strlen(m->suf)));
 	r += l;

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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