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Re: PATCH: zsh-3.1.5-pws-5 + recent: typeset -T MYPATH mypath (finally!)

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Now I've tidied up bin_typeset() a bit, it's finally possible to make
> user-tiable path-like variables without the onset of suicidal
> feelings.  This has been requested for several years.  Maybe there's not
> even anyone left who wants it --- word splitting and joining has
> improved quite a lot since then.  The syntax is
>   typeset -T TEXINPUTS texinputs
> where the scalar has to come first, but there is no restriction on the
> names.

I think the issue was mostly with typeset -U.  Looking at the
description of -U, it suggests that it ought to work for
colon-separated things like PATH anyway.  Hmm...  No, it doesn't work
for random variables, only for special ones.

So, this patch *is* still worthwhile.  It ought to allow me to create
new colon-separated variables, and have the shell eliminate
duplicates.  Of course, what we really want is programmable setting
and reading of variables, like ksh93 has.

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