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Re: Let's finish this new completion stuff

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> By the way, your doc for the new completion stuff doesn't mention any
> of the $argv-modifying etc. side-effects of the condition codes (except
> for -iprefix changing $IPREFIX), as far as I can tell.

I had it for `-string' and `-class', too, but forgot it for `-after'
and `-between'.


--- od/Zsh/compwid.yo	Mon Feb 22 10:49:09 1999
+++ Doc/Zsh/compwid.yo	Mon Feb 22 11:10:07 1999
@@ -382,15 +382,19 @@
 var(min) and equal to or less than var(max)
 item(tt(-after) var(string))(
-true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string)
+true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string); this
+removes all words up to and including the matched word from the
+positional parameters
 item(tt(-mafter) var(pattern))(
 like tt(-after) but using pattern matching
 item(tt(-between) var(string1) var(string2))(
 true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string1), if
-there is also a word that is equal to va(string2), this is true only
-if the cursor is before it
+there is also a word that is equal to var(string2), this is true only
+if the cursor is before it; as a side effect, all words before
+var(string1) and after var(string2) (both inclusive) are removed from
+the positional parameters
 item(tt(-mbetween) var(pattern1) var(pattern2))(
 like tt(-between) but using pattern matching

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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