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Re: PATCH: _long_options

Aargh, I remembered this a bit too late...

If `_long_options' thinks the command invoked is a path name relative
to PWD it probably should put `$PWD' before it to make sure the cache
isn't used for another command that happens to have the same name but
is in a different directory.

I had this idea when playing with `_tar' (which is not changed, yet):
there we probably should try to turn the archive name into a absolute
path when building the cache name. Would


be enough for that? (Looks funny, doesn't it? ;-)


diff -u oc/User/_long_options Completion/User/_long_options
--- oc/User/_long_options	Mon Mar  8 11:22:18 1999
+++ Completion/User/_long_options	Mon Mar  8 11:28:43 1999
@@ -58,11 +58,17 @@
 # We cache the information about options and the command name, see if
 # we can use the cache.
-if [[ "$words[1]" != $_lo_cache_cmd ]]; then
+if [[ "$words[1]" = (.|..)/* ]]; then
+  tmp="$PWD/$words[1]"
+  tmp="$words[1]"
+if [[ "$tmp" != $_lo_cache_cmd ]]; then
   # No, store the new command name and clear the old parameters.
-  _lo_cache_cmd="$words[1]"
+  _lo_cache_cmd="$tmp"
   (( $+_lo_cache_actions )) && unset ${_lo_cache_actions%% *} _lo_cache_actions
   local opts pattern anum=1 tmpo str

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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