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ZSH and umask on nt?


I am wondering why zsh refused to overwrite any file any time. For all
commands which redirect to an output file, I have to prefix the command
with a "rm OUTPUTFILE;"

I have set the umask to 000 so as not to remove any permissions, and
even files which I own, I can't overwrite. Even if I chmod it to 777 I
can't overwrite it. Here is an example:

C:/bin>touch asdf
C:/bin>ll asdf
-rw-rw-rw-   1 544      everyone        0 Mar 11 14:13 asdf
C:/bin>cat asdf > asdf
zsh: permission denied: asdf
C:/bin>chmod 777 asdf
C:/bin>cat asdf > asdf
zsh: permission denied: asdf

It is completely ignoring file ownership.

One other thing I would like to mention is that long command lines (> 72
chars) mangle the input line. After 72 chars, the line is correct:


After typing the 3rd 8, my command disappears and I get this:

x ç    ?     O 3 x Q

I use ZSH on NT and it is so much better that cmd or even Cygnus Bash.
It's refusal to overwrite files is most aggravating. Then having to
prefix every redirect command with a rm command increases the line size,
often pushing it over the 72 char limit. Again, doubly aggravating.

Thank you,


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