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Re: -subscript- completion for assoc array

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> I wouldn't have thought it would be too hard just to pass the whole string
> to the -subscript- handler, and inside that, if the parameter is not an
> assoc, simply IPREFIXify anything which is not alphanumeric before handing
> the rest on to the -math- handler.  You don't even need special handling
> for variables with funny names, since they're always a single character so
> can't be completed further.  Unless I've missed something.

Ok, the patch below makes completion functions get the whole string -- 
almost. This has a small problem with things like `(( 8*((x-1+f<TAB>'.
Here it stops at the `((' before the `x', thinking it is the beginning 
of a `((...' or a `$((...'.

And this finally could me implement a `ISUFFIX' parameter, so that we
could make this correctly if there is something after the cursor. I've 
been wishing for this when implementing `_tilde' already. Maybe I
build this into the tricky.c-cleanup I'm currently busy with.

> (Except, of course, when calling old completion, in which case you've got
> to do as much as is reasonable in C.)

This will behave the same way it ever did, i.e. I haven't built in
some magic to complete the keys of assoc arrays.

> By the way, it's a bit annoying that the command is called `compdef' while
> the lines at the tops of the functions to do the same thing automatically
> are still `defcomp' etc.  If it's not yet too late, it might be a good idea
> to change these to `compdef', `compdefpat' and `compdefkey'.

Yes, I've been thinking about this, too. Although I probably would
prefer `#compdef -p ...' and `#compdef -k ...'.


diff -u os/Zle/zle_tricky.c Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c
--- os/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Mon Mar 15 16:57:14 1999
+++ Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Tue Mar 16 11:38:47 1999
@@ -1346,12 +1346,35 @@
 	if (inwhat == IN_MATH) {
-	    /* In mathematical expression, we complete parameter names (even *
-	     * if they don't have a `$' in front of them).  So we have to    *
-	     * find that name.                                               */
-	    for (we = cs; iident(line[we]); we++);
-	    for (wb = cs; --wb >= 0 && iident(line[wb]););
-	    wb++;
+	    if (compfunc) {
+		int lev;
+		char *p;
+		for (wb = cs - 1, lev = 0; wb > 0; wb--)
+		    if (line[wb] == ']' || line[wb] == ')')
+			lev++;
+		    else if (line[wb] == '[') {
+			if (!lev--)
+			    break;
+		    } else if (line[wb] == '(') {
+			if (!lev && line[wb - 1] == '(')
+			    break;
+			if (lev)
+			    lev--;
+		    }
+		wb++;
+		p = (char *) line + wb;
+		if (wb && (*p == '[' || *p == '(') &&
+		    !skipparens(*p, (*p == '[' ? ']' : ')'), &p))
+			we = p - (char *) line;
+	    } else {
+		/* In mathematical expression, we complete parameter names  *
+		 * (even if they don't have a `$' in front of them).  So we *
+		 * have to find that name.                                  */
+		for (we = cs; iident(line[we]); we++);
+		for (wb = cs; --wb >= 0 && iident(line[wb]););
+		wb++;
+	    }
 	    s = zalloc(we - wb + 1);
 	    strncpy(s, (char *) line + wb, we - wb);
@@ -5240,14 +5263,20 @@
 	if (unset(COMPLETEINWORD)) {
-	    tmp = quotename(s, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	    if (inwhat == IN_MATH)
+		tmp = s;
+	    else
+		tmp = quotename(s, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 	    compprefix = ztrdup(tmp);
 	    compsuffix = ztrdup("");
 	} else {
 	    char *ss = s + offs, sav;
-	    tmp = quotename(s, &ss, NULL, NULL);
+	    if (inwhat == IN_MATH)
+		tmp = s;
+	    else
+		tmp = quotename(s, &ss, NULL, NULL);
 	    sav = *ss;
 	    *ss = '\0';
diff -u oc/Base/_math Completion/Base/_math
--- oc/Base/_math	Tue Mar 16 10:29:34 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_math	Tue Mar 16 11:43:35 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#defcomp -math-
+compgen -v
diff -u oc/Base/_vars Completion/Base/_vars
--- oc/Base/_vars	Mon Mar 15 16:57:24 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_vars	Tue Mar 16 10:29:20 1999
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-#defcomp -math- getopts read unset vared
+#defcomp getopts read unset vared
 compgen -v

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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