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Re: bindkey -A evil ... (was: RE: A couple of questions on 'bindkey' )

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> after trying
> bindkey -A vicmd main (being in emacs by default)
> no input was possible.

Yes.  To be useful 'main' needs I think to be a link to an input type
keymap - either emacs or viins.  But 'evil' is perhaps a little harsh,
no?  What you asked for has clear semantics even if it's not what one


PS.   Having just discovered that in 3.1 things like 'typeset IFS=":"'
seem to be cleverly restored properly at the end of function,  I'm
increasingly thinking that there should after all be a KEYMAP shell

PPS.  For real work - production as they term it - am using 3.0.5-ext-2,
and it's working excellently.  No more random shell crashes.  Thanks

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