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PATCH: compset (testing and modification)

Curious if you like this one better...

This removes the condition codes as we know them and adds:

- the builtin compset:
  - currently it supports six options that con *not* be combined (due
    to the optional arguments -- we could make them mandatory and then 
    allow multiple tests and modifications in one go):

    - compset -p <num>
      moves num chars from `PREFIX' to `IPREFIX' if there are at least
      <num> chars in `PREFIX'
    - compset -P [ <num> ] <pat>
      sees if <pat> matches the beginning of `PREFIX', and if so, moves
      the matched portion into `IPREFIX'; if the <num> is given, the
      <num>'th (or -<num>'th longest, if <num> is negative) match is
      used; the default is to use the longest match
      note that this is also the replacement for `-string' and
      `-class', but here you have to use a `*' at the beginning to
      make it match
    - compset -s <num>
      like -p, but for `SUFFIX/ISUFFIX'
    - compset -S [ <num> ] <pat>
      like -P, but for `SUFFIX/ISUFFIX'
    - compset -n <beg> [ <end> ]
      if `CURRENT' is >= <beg>, then remove anything up to the <beg>'th
      word from `words' and adjust `CURRENT'; if <end> is given,
      `CURRENT' must be <= <end>, and the words from it onwards are
      removed, too
    - compset -N <bpat> [ <epat> ]
      the replacement for `-mbetween'

  - since all of these do some kind of test before doing the
    modification, I made the return value reflect the outcome of this
    test, so that you can do `if comptest -P '*\='; then ...'
- four new condition codes:
  - they are:
    `-prefix [ <num> ] <pat>'
    `-suffix [ <num> ] <pat>'
    `-after <bpat>'
    `-between <bpat> <epat>'
  - ...and have the same meaning as the options `-P', `-S', `-N <pat>',
    and `-N <pat> <pat>' of `compset', but they will not modify the
  - this is to simplify the rare cases where one needs to save/restore 
    modified parameters (or only need the test or a slightly different 

Of course, we could remove the condition codes (why?), or replace them 
with an extra option (say `-q') to `compset' which makes it only do
the tests and set the return value (no modification).

Anyway, this at least is cleaner than what we had before. Comments?


diff -u os/Zle/compctl.c Src/Zle/compctl.c
--- os/Zle/compctl.c	Thu Mar 25 09:35:53 1999
+++ Src/Zle/compctl.c	Thu Mar 25 15:09:20 1999
@@ -1832,6 +1832,279 @@
     return a;
+#define CVT_RANGENUM 0
+#define CVT_RANGEPAT 1
+#define CVT_PRENUM   2
+#define CVT_PREPAT   3
+#define CVT_SUFNUM   4
+#define CVT_SUFPAT   5
+static void
+ignore_prefix(int l)
+    char *tmp, sav = compprefix[l];
+    compprefix[l] = '\0';
+    tmp = tricat(compiprefix, compprefix, "");
+    zsfree(compiprefix);
+    compiprefix = tmp;
+    compprefix[l] = sav;
+    tmp = ztrdup(compprefix + l);
+    zsfree(compprefix);
+    compprefix = tmp;
+static void
+ignore_suffix(int l)
+    char *tmp, sav;
+    l = strlen(compsuffix) - l;
+    tmp = tricat(compsuffix + l, compisuffix, "");
+    zsfree(compisuffix);
+    compisuffix = tmp;
+    sav = compsuffix[l];
+    compsuffix[l] = '\0';
+    tmp = ztrdup(compsuffix);
+    compsuffix[l] = sav;
+    zsfree(compsuffix);
+    compsuffix = tmp;
+static void
+restrict_range(int b, int e)
+    int i = e - b + 1;
+    char **p = (char **) zcalloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char *)), **q, **pp;
+    for (q = p, pp = compwords + b; i; i--, q++, pp++)
+	*q = ztrdup(*pp);
+    freearray(compwords);
+    compwords = p;
+    compcurrent -= b;
+static int
+do_comp_vars(int test, int na, char *sa, int nb, char *sb, int mod)
+    switch (test) {
+    case CVT_RANGENUM:
+	{
+	    int l = arrlen(compwords);
+	    if (na < 0)
+		na += l;
+	    else
+		na--;
+	    if (nb < 0)
+		nb += l;
+	    else
+		nb--;
+	    if (compcurrent - 1 < na || compcurrent - 1 > nb)
+		return 0;
+	    restrict_range(na, nb);
+	    return 1;
+	}
+    case CVT_RANGEPAT:
+	{
+	    char **p;
+	    int i, l = arrlen(compwords), t = 0, b = 0, e = l - 1;
+	    Comp c;
+	    i = compcurrent - 1;
+	    if (i < 0 || i >= l)
+		return 0;
+	    singsub(&sa);
+	    c = parsereg(sa);
+	    for (i--, p = compwords + i; i >= 0; p--, i--) {
+		if (domatch(*p, c, 0)) {
+		    b = i + 1;
+		    t = 1;
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (t && sb) {
+		int tt = 0;
+		singsub(&sb);
+		c = parsereg(sb);
+		for (i++, p = compwords + i; i < l; p++, i++) {
+		    if (domatch(*p, c, 0)) {
+			e = i - 1;
+			tt = 1;
+			break;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (tt && i < compcurrent)
+		    t = 0;
+	    }
+	    if (e < b)
+		t = 0;
+	    if (t)
+		restrict_range(b, e);
+	    return t;
+	}
+    case CVT_PRENUM:
+    case CVT_SUFNUM:
+	if (!na)
+	    return 1;
+	if (na > 0 &&
+	    strlen(test == CVT_PRENUM ? compprefix : compsuffix) >= na) {
+	    if (mod) {
+		if (test == CVT_PRENUM)
+		    ignore_prefix(na);
+		else
+		    ignore_suffix(na);
+		return 1;
+	    }
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    case CVT_PREPAT:
+    case CVT_SUFPAT:
+	{
+	    Comp c;
+	    if (!na)
+		return 0;
+	    if (!(c = parsereg(sa)))
+		return 0;
+	    if (test == CVT_PREPAT) {
+		int l, add;
+		char *p, sav;
+		if (!(l = strlen(compprefix)))
+		    return 0;
+		if (na < 0) {
+		    p = compprefix + l;
+		    na = -na;
+		    add = -1;
+		} else {
+		    p = compprefix + 1;
+		    add = 1;
+		}
+		for (; l; l--, p += add) {
+		    sav = *p;
+		    *p = '\0';
+		    test = domatch(compprefix, c, 0);
+		    *p = sav;
+		    if (test && !--na)
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!l)
+		    return 0;
+		ignore_prefix(p - compprefix);
+	    } else {
+		int l, ol, add;
+		char *p;
+		if (!(ol = l = strlen(compsuffix)))
+		    return 0;
+		if (na < 0) {
+		    p = compsuffix;
+		    na = -na;
+		    add = 1;
+		} else {
+		    p = compsuffix + l - 1;
+		    add = -1;
+		}
+		for (; l; l--, p += add)
+		    if (domatch(p, c, 0) && !--na)
+			break;
+		if (!l)
+		    return 0;
+		ignore_suffix(ol - (p - compsuffix));
+	    }
+	    return 1;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int
+bin_compset(char *name, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
+    int test = 0, na = 0, nb = 0;
+    char *sa = NULL, *sb = NULL;
+    if (incompfunc != 1) {
+	zerrnam(name, "can only be called from completion function", NULL, 0);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    if (argv[0][0] != '-') {
+	zerrnam(name, "missing option", NULL, 0);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    switch (argv[0][1]) {
+    case 'n': test = CVT_RANGENUM; break;
+    case 'N': test = CVT_RANGEPAT; break;
+    case 'p': test = CVT_PRENUM; break;
+    case 'P': test = CVT_PREPAT; break;
+    case 's': test = CVT_SUFNUM; break;
+    case 'S': test = CVT_SUFPAT; break;
+    default:
+	zerrnam(name, "bad option -%c", NULL, argv[0][1]);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    if (argv[0][2]) {
+	sa = argv[0] + 2;
+	sb = argv[1];
+	na = 2;
+    } else {
+	if (!(sa = argv[1])) {
+	    zerrnam(name, "missing string for option -%c", NULL, argv[0][1]);
+	    return 1;
+	}
+	sb = argv[2];
+	na = 3;
+    }
+    if (((test == CVT_PRENUM || test == CVT_SUFNUM) ? !!sb :
+	 (sb && argv[na]))) {
+	zerrnam(name, "too many arguments", NULL, 0);
+	return 1;
+    }
+    switch (test) {
+    case CVT_RANGENUM:
+	na = atoi(sa);
+	nb = (sb ? atoi(sb) : -1);
+	break;
+    case CVT_RANGEPAT:
+	tokenize(sa);
+	sa = rembslash(sa);
+	if (sb) {
+	    tokenize(sb);
+	    sb = rembslash(sb);
+	}
+	break;
+    case CVT_PRENUM:
+    case CVT_SUFNUM:
+	na = atoi(sa);
+	break;
+    case CVT_PREPAT:
+    case CVT_SUFPAT:
+	if (sb) {
+	    na = atoi(sa);
+	    sa = sb;
+	} else
+	    na = -1;
+	tokenize(sa);
+	sa = rembslash(sa);
+	break;
+    }
+    return !do_comp_vars(test, na, sa, nb, sb, 1);
 static int
 bin_compcall(char *name, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
@@ -2101,22 +2374,6 @@
-static void
-ignore_prefix(int l)
-    char *o, sav = compprefix[l];
-    compprefix[l] = '\0';
-    o = compiprefix;
-    compiprefix = tricat(o, compprefix, "");
-    zsfree(o);
-    compprefix[l] = sav;
-    o = compprefix;
-    compprefix = ztrdup(o + l);
-    zsfree(o);
 static int
@@ -2128,132 +2385,15 @@
-static void
-restrict_range(int b, int e)
-    int i = e - b + 1;
-    char **p = (char **) zcalloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char *)), **q, **pp;
-    for (q = p, pp = compwords + b; i; i--, q++, pp++)
-	*q = ztrdup(*pp);
-    freearray(compwords);
-    compwords = p;
-    compcurrent -= b;
-static int
-cond_prefix(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check())
-	return strpfx(cond_str(a, 0), compprefix);
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_iprefix(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check()) {
-	char *s = cond_str(a, 0);
-	if (strpfx(s, compprefix)) {
-	    ignore_prefix(strlen(s));
-	    return 1;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_position(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check()) {
-	int b = cond_val(a, 0), e = (a[1] ? cond_val(a, 1) : b);
-	int l = arrlen(compwords), t, i = compcurrent - 1;
-	if (b > 0)
-	    b--;
-	if (e > 0)
-	    e--;
-	if (b < 0)
-	    b += l;
-	if (e < 0)
-	    e += l;
-	t = (b >= 0 && e >= 0 && i >= b && i <= e && b <= e);
-	if (t && a[1]) {
-	    if (b > l)
-		b = l;
-	    if (e > l)
-		e = l;
-	    restrict_range(b, e);
-	}
-	return t;
-    }
-    return 0;
 static int
-cond_word(char **a, int id)
+cond_psfix(char **a, int id)
     if (comp_check()) {
-	int o = ((id & 2) ? compcurrent : 0) + cond_val(a, 0);
-	int l = arrlen(compwords);
-	char *s;
-	if (o < 0)
-	    o += l;
-	o--;
-	if (o < 0 || o >= l)
-	    return 0;
-	s = compwords[o];
-	return ((id & 1) ? cond_match(a, 1, s) : !strcmp(s, cond_str(a, 1)));
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_strcl(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check()) {
-	char *s;
-	int i, ipl;
-	if (a[1]) {
-	    s = cond_str(a, 1);
-	    i = cond_val(a, 0);
-	} else {
-	    s = cond_str(a, 0);
-	    i = -1;
-	}
-	if (!getcpatptr) {
-	    zerr("zle not loaded, zle condition not available", NULL, 0);
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	i = getcpatptr(comp_strptr(&ipl, NULL, 1), i, s, id);
-	if (i != -1 && i >= ipl) {
-	    ignore_prefix(i - ipl);
-	    return 1;
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_words(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check()) {
-	int b = cond_val(a, 0), e = (a[1] ? cond_val(a, 1) : -1);
-	int l = arrlen(compwords);
-	return (l >= b && l <= e);
+	if (a[1])
+	    return do_comp_vars(id, cond_val(a, 0), cond_str(a, 1),
+				0, NULL, 0);
+	else
+	    return do_comp_vars(id, -1, cond_str(a, 0), 0, NULL, 0);
     return 0;
@@ -2262,100 +2402,23 @@
 static int
 cond_range(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check()) {
-	char *s, **p;
-	int i, l = arrlen(compwords), t = 0, b = 0, e = l - 1;
-	Comp c = NULL;
-	i = compcurrent - 1;
-	if (i < 0 || i >= l)
-	    return 0;
-	if (id & 1) {
-	    s = a[0];
-	    singsub(&s);
-	    c = parsereg(s);
-	} else
-	    s = cond_str(a, 0);
-	for (i--, p = compwords + i; i >= 0; p--, i--) {
-	    if (((id & 1) ? domatch(*p, c, 0) : !strcmp(*p, s))) {
-		b = i + 1;
-		t = 1;
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (t && (id & 2)) {
-	    int tt = 0;
-	    if (id & 1) {
-		s = a[1];
-		singsub(&s);
-		c = parsereg(s);
-	    } else
-		s = cond_str(a, 1);
-	    for (i++, p = compwords + i; i < l; p++, i++) {
-		if (((id & 1) ? domatch(*p, c, 0) : !strcmp(*p, s))) {
-		    e = i - 1;
-		    tt = 1;
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (tt && i < compcurrent)
-		t = 0;
-	}
-	if (e < b)
-	    t = 0;
-	if (t)
-	    restrict_range(b, e);
-	return t;
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_nmatches(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check())
-	return compnmatches == cond_val(a, 0);
-    return 0;
-static int
-cond_matcher(char **a, int id)
-    if (comp_check())
-	return compmatcher == cond_val(a, 0);
-    return 0;
+    return do_comp_vars(CVT_RANGEPAT, 0, cond_str(a, 0), 0,
+			(id ? cond_str(a, 1) : NULL), 0);
 static struct builtin bintab[] = {
     BUILTIN("compctl", 0, bin_compctl, 0, -1, 0, NULL, NULL),
     BUILTIN("compgen", 0, bin_compgen, 1, -1, 0, NULL, NULL),
     BUILTIN("compadd", 0, bin_compadd, 0, -1, 0, NULL, NULL),
+    BUILTIN("compset", 0, bin_compset, 1, 3, 0, NULL, NULL),
     BUILTIN("compcall", 0, bin_compcall, 0, 0, 0, "TD", NULL),
 static struct conddef cotab[] = {
-    CONDDEF("prefix", 0, cond_prefix, 1, 1, 0),
-    CONDDEF("iprefix", 0, cond_iprefix, 1, 1, 0),
-    CONDDEF("position", 0, cond_position, 1, 2, 0),
-    CONDDEF("word", 0, cond_word, 2, 2, 0),
-    CONDDEF("mword", 0, cond_word, 2, 2, 1),
-    CONDDEF("current", 0, cond_word, 2, 2, 2),
-    CONDDEF("mcurrent", 0, cond_word, 2, 2, 3),
-    CONDDEF("string", 0, cond_strcl, 1, 2, 0),
-    CONDDEF("class", 0, cond_strcl, 1, 2, 1),
-    CONDDEF("words", 0, cond_words, 1, 2, 0),
-    CONDDEF("between", 0, cond_range, 2, 2, 2),
-    CONDDEF("mbetween", 0, cond_range, 2, 2, 3),
+    CONDDEF("prefix", 0, cond_psfix, 1, 2, CVT_PREPAT),
+    CONDDEF("suffix", 0, cond_psfix, 1, 2, CVT_SUFPAT),
+    CONDDEF("between", 0, cond_range, 2, 2, 1),
     CONDDEF("after", 0, cond_range, 1, 1, 0),
-    CONDDEF("mafter", 0, cond_range, 1, 1, 1),
-    CONDDEF("nmatches", 0, cond_nmatches, 1, 1, 0),
-    CONDDEF("matcher", 0, cond_matcher, 1, 1, 0),
 static struct funcwrap wrapper[] = {
diff -u od/Zsh/compwid.yo Doc/Zsh/compwid.yo
--- od/Zsh/compwid.yo	Wed Mar 24 13:42:06 1999
+++ Doc/Zsh/compwid.yo	Thu Mar 25 14:56:48 1999
@@ -444,6 +444,87 @@
+xitem(tt(compset -p) var(number))
+xitem(tt(compset -P) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))
+xitem(tt(compset -s) var(number))
+xitem(tt(compset -S) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))
+xitem(tt(compset -n) var(begin) [ var(end) ])
+item(tt(compset -p) var(beg-pat) [ var(end-pat) ])(
+This builtin allows to easily modify the special parameters and at
+the same time, to do tests on their values.
+The options are:
+item(tt(-p) var(number))(
+If the contents of the tt(PREFIX) parameter is longer than var(number)
+characters, the first var(number) characters are removed from it and
+appended to the contents of the tt(IPREFIX) parameter.
+item(tt(-P) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))(
+If the value of the tt(PREFIX) parameter begins with anything that
+matches the var(pattern), the matched portion is removed from
+tt(PREFIX) and appended to tt(IPREFIX).
+Without the optional var(number), the longest match is taken, but
+if var(number) is given, anything up to the var(number)'th match is
+moved. If the var(number) is negative, the var(number)'th longest
+match is moved. For example, if tt(PREFIX) contains the string
+`tt(a=b=c)' doing tt(compset -P '*\=') will move the string `tt(a=b=)' 
+into the tt(IPREFIX) parameter, but tt(compset -P 1 '*\=') moves only
+the string `tt(a=)'.
+item(tt(-s) var(number))(
+Like tt(-p), but prepend the last var(number) characters from the
+parameter tt(SUFFIX) to the contents of the parameter tt(ISUFFIX).
+item(tt(-S) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))(
+Like tt(-P), but matching from the end of tt(SUFFIX) and moving the
+matched portion into the parameter tt(ISUFFIX).
+item(tt(-n) var(begin) [ var(end) ])(
+If the current word position as specified by the parameter tt(CURRENT) 
+is greater than or equal to var(begin), anything up to the
+var(begin)'th word is removed from the tt(words) array and the value
+of the parameter tt(CURRENT) is decremented by var(begin).
+If the optional var(end) is given, the modification is done only if
+the current word position is also less than or equal to var(end). In
+this case, the words from position var(end) onwards are removed from
+the tt(words) array, too.
+Both of these numbers may be negative to make them count backwards
+from the last element of the tt(words) array.
+item(tt(-N) var(beg-pat) [ var(end-pat) ])(
+If one of the elements of the tt(words) array up to the one at the
+index given by the value of the parameter tt(CURRENT) matches the
+pattern var(beg-pat), all elements up to the matching one are removed
+from the tt(words) array and the value of tt(CURRENT) is changed to
+point to the same word in the changed array.
+If the optional pattern var(end-pat) is also given and there is an
+element in the tt(words) array matching this pattern, the parameters
+are modified only if the index of this word is higher than the one
+given by the tt(CURRENT) parameter (meaning that the matching word has 
+to be after the cursor). In this case, the words from the word
+matching tt(end-pat) onwards are also removed from the tt(words)
+array. If tt(words) contains no word matching var(end-pat), the
+testing and modification is done as if it were not given.
+In all of these cases the return value is zero if the test succeded
+and the parameters were modified, and non-zero otherwise. This allows
+one to use this builtin in tests as in:
+tt(if compset -P '*\='; then ...)
+Which makes anything up to and including the last equal sign be
+ignored by the completion code.
 item(tt(compcall) [ tt(-TD) ])(
 This allows one to use completion definitions given with the
@@ -469,84 +550,26 @@
 above can be used, but also some additional condition codes. These
 work on the special parameters and can be used to easily build
 completion functions that generate different matches depending on the
-strings on the line.
+strings on the line. All of these condition codes perform tests also
+done by the tt(compset) builtin, but they don't modify the contents of 
+the special parameters.
 The following condition codes are made available inside completion
-item(tt(-prefix) var(string))(
-true if the content of tt(PREFIX) starts with var(string)
-item(tt(-iprefix) var(string))(
-like tt(-prefix), but the var(string) is removed from tt(PREFIX) and
-added to tt(IPREFIX)
-item(tt(-position) var(beg) [ var(end) ])(
-true if tt(CURRENT) is equal to var(beg) or, if var(end) is given,
-equal to or greater than var(beg) and equal to or less than var(end);
-both of var(beg) and var(end) may be arithmetic expressions, if they
-are less than zero the number of words in tt(words) are added to them
-before comparing them to tt(CURRENT); thus, tt(-1) is the last word,
-tt(-2) is the word before that and so on; note that positions are
-taken as indexes into the tt(words) array and thus are counted as if
-the tt(ksharray) is not set
-item(tt(-word) var(index) var(string))(
-true if the word number var(index) in tt(words) is equal to
-var(string); again, var(index) may be negative, counting backwards
-item(tt(-mword) var(index) var(pattern))(
-like tt(-word) but using pattern matching
-item(tt(-current) var(offset) var(string))(
-like tt(-word) but var(offset) is relative to the value of
-item(tt(-mcurrent) var(offset) var(pattern))(
-like tt(-current) but using pattern matching
-item(tt(-string) [ var(number) ] var(string))(
-true if the current word contains var(string); anything up to the last 
-occurrence of this string will be ingnored by removing it from
-tt(PREFIX) and adding it to tt(IPREFIX); if var(number) is given,
-anything up to the var(number)'th occurrence of the var(string) will
-be ignored; again, var(number) may be any arithmetic expression and
-negative values count backward
-item(tt(-class) [ var(number) ] var(class))(
-like tt(-string) but the var(class) is used as a character class so
-that anything up to and including the last or the var(number)'th
-occurrence of any character from the string var(class) is ignored
-item(tt(-words) var(min) [ var(max) ])(
-true if the number of words is equal to var(min); if var(max) is
-given, it is true if the number of words is equal to or greater than
-var(min) and equal to or less than var(max)
-item(tt(-after) var(string))(
-true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string); this
-removes all words up to and including the matched word from the
-tt(words) array
-item(tt(-mafter) var(pattern))(
-like tt(-after) but using pattern matching
-item(tt(-between) var(string1) var(string2))(
-true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string1), if
-there is also a word that is equal to var(string2), this is true only
-if the cursor is before it; as a side effect, all words before
-var(string1) and after var(string2) (both inclusive) are removed from
-the tt(words) array
+item(tt(-prefix) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))(
+true if the test for the tt(-P) option of tt(compset) would succeed
-item(tt(-mbetween) var(pattern1) var(pattern2))(
-like tt(-between) but using pattern matching
+item(tt(-suffix) [ var(number) ] var(pattern))(
+true if the test for the tt(-S) option of tt(compset) would succeed
-item(tt(-nmatches) var(number))(
-true if the the value of tt(compstate[nmatches]) is equal to var(number)
+item(tt(-after) var(beg-pat))(
+true if the test of the tt(-N) option with only the var(beg-pat) given 
+would succeed
-item(tt(-matcher) var(number))(
-true if the value of tt(compstate[matcher]) is equal to var(number)
+item(tt(-between) var(beg-pat end-pat))(
+true if the test for the tt(-N) option with both patterns would succeed
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_cd Completion/Builtins/_cd
--- oc/Builtins/_cd	Thu Mar 25 09:36:15 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_cd	Thu Mar 25 13:34:21 1999
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 emulate -LR zsh
 setopt extendedglob
-if [[ -position 3 ]]; then
+if [[ CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
   # cd old new: look for old in $PWD and see what can replace it
   local rep
   # Get possible completions using word in position 2
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_command Completion/Builtins/_command
--- oc/Builtins/_command	Thu Mar 25 09:36:15 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_command	Thu Mar 25 13:35:30 1999
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #defcomp command
-if [[ -position 3 -1 ]]; then
+if [[ CURRENT -ge 3 ]]; then
+  compset -n 2
   compgen -em
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_hash Completion/Builtins/_hash
--- oc/Builtins/_hash	Thu Mar 25 09:36:16 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_hash	Thu Mar 25 14:15:52 1999
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 #defcomp hash
 if [[ "$words[2]" = -*d* ]]; then
-  if [[ -string 1 '=' ]]; then
+  if compset -P 1 '*\='; then
     _path_files -g '*(-/)'
     compgen -n -q -S '='
-elif [[ -string 1 '=' ]]; then
+elif compset -P 1 '*\='; then
   _files -/g '*(*)'
   compgen -m -q -S '='
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_kill Completion/Builtins/_kill
--- oc/Builtins/_kill	Thu Mar 25 09:36:17 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_kill	Thu Mar 25 13:37:20 1999
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 local list
-if [[ -iprefix '-' ]]; then
+if compset -P 1 -; then
   compgen -k "($signals[1,-3])"
   local ret=1
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_sched Completion/Builtins/_sched
--- oc/Builtins/_sched	Thu Mar 25 09:36:17 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_sched	Thu Mar 25 13:37:50 1999
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 #defcomp sched
-[[ -position 3 -1 ]] && _normal
+compset -n 3 && _normal
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_source Completion/Builtins/_source
--- oc/Builtins/_source	Thu Mar 25 09:36:17 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_source	Thu Mar 25 13:38:36 1999
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #defcomp source
-if [[ -position 3 -1 ]]; then
+if [[ CURRENT -ge 3 ]]; then
+  compset -n 2
diff -u -r oc/Builtins/_zmodload Completion/Builtins/_zmodload
--- oc/Builtins/_zmodload	Thu Mar 25 09:36:17 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_zmodload	Thu Mar 25 13:39:01 1999
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 local fl="$words[2]"
-if [[ "$fl" = -*(a*u|u*a)* || "$fl" = -*a* && -position 4 -1 ]]; then
+if [[ "$fl" = -*(a*u|u*a)* || "$fl" = -*a* && CURRENT -ge 4 ]]; then
   compgen -B
 elif [[ "$fl" = -*u* ]]; then
   compgen -s '$(zmodload)'
diff -u -r oc/Core/_main_complete Completion/Core/_main_complete
--- oc/Core/_main_complete	Thu Mar 25 09:36:18 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_main_complete	Thu Mar 25 14:07:26 1999
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@
 # Special completion contexts after `~' and `='.
-if [[ -iprefix '=' ]]; then
+if compset -P 1 '\='; then
-elif [[ "$PREFIX" != */* && -iprefix '~' ]]; then
+elif [[ "$PREFIX" != */* && "$PREFIX[1]" = '~' ]]; then
+  compset -p 1
diff -u -r oc/User/_dd Completion/User/_dd
--- oc/User/_dd	Thu Mar 25 09:36:19 1999
+++ Completion/User/_dd	Thu Mar 25 13:43:36 1999
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 #defcomp dd
-if [[ -iprefix conv= ]]; then
+if compset -P 1 'conv\='; then
   # If there's a comma present, ignore up to the last one.  The
   # test alone will have that effect.
-  [[ -string , ]]
+  compset -p '*,'
   compgen -S, -q \
       -k '(ascii ebcdic ibm block unblock lcase ucase swab noerror sync)'
-elif [[ -iprefix 'if=' || -iprefix 'of=' ]]; then
+elif compset -P 1 '[io]f\='; then
   compgen -S '=' -k '(if of ibs obs bs cbs skip files seek count conv)'
diff -u -r oc/User/_find Completion/User/_find
--- oc/User/_find	Thu Mar 25 09:36:19 1999
+++ Completion/User/_find	Thu Mar 25 13:44:40 1999
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]"
-if [[ -mbetween -(ok|exec) \\\; ]]; then
+if compset -N '-(ok|exec)' '\;' then
-elif [[ -iprefix - ]]; then
+elif compset -P 1 -; then
   compgen -s 'daystart {max,min,}depth follow noleaf version xdev \
     {a,c,}newer {a,c,m}{min,time} empty false {fs,x,}type gid inum links \
     {i,}{l,}name {no,}{user,group} path perm regex size true uid used \
     exec {f,}print{f,0,} ok prune ls'
-elif [[ -position 2 ]]; then
+elif [[ CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
   local ret=1
   compgen -g '. ..' && ret=0
diff -u -r oc/User/_mh Completion/User/_mh
--- oc/User/_mh	Thu Mar 25 09:36:19 1999
+++ Completion/User/_mh	Thu Mar 25 13:46:24 1999
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 # To be on the safe side, check this exists and if not, get it anyway.
 [[ -d $mymhdir ]] || mymhdir=$(mhpath +)
-if [[ -iprefix - ]]; then
+if compset -P 1 -; then
   # get list of options, which MH commands can generate themselves
   # awk is just too icky to use for this, sorry.  send me one if
   # you come up with it.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     print $n =~ s/^\[([a-z]+)\]// ? "$n\n$1$n\n" : "$n\n";
-elif [[ -iprefix '+' || -iprefix '@' || "$prev" = -draftfolder ]]; then
+elif compset -P 1 '[+@] || [ "$prev" = -draftfolder ]]; then
   # Complete folder names.
   local mhpath
diff -u -r oc/User/_stty Completion/User/_stty
--- oc/User/_stty	Thu Mar 25 09:36:20 1999
+++ Completion/User/_stty	Thu Mar 25 13:47:03 1999
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
      compadd -Q '^-' '^h' '^?' '^c' '^u'
-  [[ -string '-' || -string '+' ]]
+  compset -P '[-+]'
   compadd rows columns intr quit erase kill eof eol \
     eol2 start stop susp dsusp reprint discard werase lnext \
     parenb parodd cs8 cstopb hupcl cread clocal parext \

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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