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3.1.5-pws-15 completion problems

3.1.5-pws-15 seems to have some sort of completion problem, maybe it is me  
or something changed I don't know about:

(# stands for my prompt, even though that's not what I really use... just  
for clarity here)

#ls /[tab] gives me:

#ls /CDROM/
CDROM/               NextLibrary/         mach@
LocalApps@           bin/                 mach_kernel
LocalLibrary@        dev@                 mach_kernel.OS42
Net/                 drives/              mach_kernel.nonY2K
NextAdmin/           etc@                 private/
NextApps/            lib/                 tmp@
NextDeveloper@       lost+found/          usr/

but look what happens when I don't ask for tab-completion

#ls /
CDROM/              Users/              mach@
LocalApps@          bin/                mach_kernel
LocalLibrary@       dev@                mach_kernel.OS42
Net/                drives/             mach_kernel.nonY2K
NextAdmin/          etc@                private/
NextApps/           ez_fpc/             tmp@
NextDeveloper@      lib/                usr/
NextLibrary/        lost+found/

the problem also occurs within the /drives directory:

#ls /drives
IBM3/   win95/

#ls /drives/[tab] gives me
#ls /drives/win95

(the same problem occurs with 'df')

3.1.4 does not have this problem:

#ls [tab]
CDROM/               Users/               mach@
LocalApps@           bin/                 mach_kernel
LocalLibrary@        dev@                 mach_kernel.OS42
Net/                 drives/              mach_kernel.nonY2K
NextAdmin/           etc@                 private/
NextApps/            ez_fpc/              tmp@
NextDeveloper@       lib/                 usr/
NextLibrary/         lost+found/

So what changed, and how do I fix it?


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