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zsh overwrites non-newline-terminated output?

i read the FAQ and manpage but could not determine how to adjust the following

host:~/work [15] /bin/zsh
host:~/work [1] echo -n fafa
host:~/work [2] exit

host:~/work [16] /bin/sh
$ echo -n fafa
fafa$ exit

host:~/work [17] /bin/bash
bash$ echo -n fafa
fafabash$ exit

host:~/work [18] /bin/csh
csh% echo -n fafa
fafacsh% exit

host:~/work [19] /usr/local/bin/tcsh
host:~/work [2] echo -n fafa
fafahost:~/work [3] exit

how do i tell zsh not to overwrite the output? please email replies to me
directly, as i am not a member of this list.


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