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Re: yet another undesired 3.1.5-pws-15 change

Replying to message of Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:59:46 +0200 (MET DST)
	from Sven Wischnowsky <wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
	regarding ``Re: yet another undesired 3.1.5-pws-15 change''
> > ps -- there seem to be a LOT of these types of changes in 3.1.5....
> Please name them, because...

OK, I will make sure to mention them.

Earlier OLDPWD didn't behave the same way (it seems to now though)

There's still a problem with my PROMPT:

---------------------------------------- %t/%T  
   [PWD: %~]%s

it produces an extra blank line at the end (unlike 3.1.4)

> > I wish there were more consideration given to keeping things
> > consistent for those who upgrade... changing the way things
> > behave and making the user reconfigure everything is not a good
> > thing...
> ...of course, we (w.r.t. the completion code: I) tried to keep the old
> behavior, but there were a lot of changes in the code needed for the
> new features (and there are many of them) and so I didn't manage to do
> so in some cases.

It was my misunderstanding then.  From some offlist replies I got to earlier  
comments, it sounded like "Things change, get over it."  I realize now that  
I should have guessed they were not the voice of authority.

> As for your other message: I need some more help here since I can't
> reproduce it. Can you complete the names that don't appear in the
> list? By giving an unambiguous prefix? Only with menucompletion? This
> is NextStep (right?): did you get any compiler warnings in
> Zle/zle_tricky.c? (Weird question, but I have no idea how what you
> described can happen...)

I don't remember any warnings... well, there were warnings, but I don't  
remember what they were.

I cannot solve it by giving unambiguous filenames:

# ls /
CDROM/              Users/              mach_kernel
LocalApps@          bin/                mach_kernel.OS42
LocalLibrary@       dev@                mach_kernel.nonY2K
Net/                drives/             private/
NextAdmin/          etc@                tmp@
NextApps/           lib/                usr/
NextDeveloper@      lost+found/
NextLibrary/        mach@

(note there is only one "/U")

# ls /U[tab]
# ls /U

# ls /drives/
IBM3/   win95/

# ls /drives/I[tab]
# ls /drives/I

NOTE: I can't build zsh again, I keep getting errors about files that end  
with .pro not existing (ie prompt.pro) and it dies.

I don't know how I did it before.


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