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PATCH: was Re: Closing quotes in completion

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> I wrote the following completer called _closequotes to stick before
> _complete; if it finds the completion is in quotes, it adds the appropriate
> closing quote as an ignored suffix.  It works fine for simple cases, but
> for anything more complicated (such as file paths with a slash) the closing
> quote appears too far back in the string (and in that case you want to get
> rid of it anyway).  Any ideas?  I suppose using a `compctl -M' doesn't work
> because it doesn't match against $ISUFFIX anyway.

[ Sorry for the late response... ]

Well, I hadn't envisioned this kind of usage, but let's have a look...

First, this showed a problem in the code, where the automatically
inserted suffixes (e.g. a slash for directories) were inserted after
the ignored suffix, which was wrong.

Then, I would change the test to:

  if [[ -n $compstate[quote] && $RBUFFER != *${compstate[quote]}* ]]; then

so that we don't insert another quote if there already is one.

Also, in your mail (above) you said `too far back', while in the
function you say `too early'. Playing a bit with this, I haven't found 
an example for either of these, could you tell me... (but then again,
you probably just meant the bug fixed by the patch).

I have, however, found another problem. Without menucompletion, but
automenu, if you do:

  ls '/f/b<TAB>

(with multiple possible completions for the `f'), the cursor is moved
after the `f', and a closing quote is inserted. Immediatly tabbing
again, to start automenu will remove the quotes. The problem is the
fix from message 5483. The code remembers that the first completion
attempt started with the cursor after the word. Because of that it
moves the cursor back to the end again (after the inserted quote),
before starting menucompletion. Then the code in `get_comp_string()'
removes the quotes because it thinks both quotes are `in the word'.

Currently I have no idea, how to solve this. When an unambiguous
string is inserted, we can't easily get the position where the ignored 
suffix starts which would be needed to make the code move the cursor
before it when starting automenu. Also, this would be the right thing
in this case, but I have the impression that it would be wrong in
other cases (without being able to come up with examples just now).

Well, otherwise I haven't found any problems with this, apart from the
fact that we can't easily make it auto-removable. For that we would
have to use the same trick _approximate uses: temporarily define wrapper
functions for compgen and compadd and there fiddle with the argument
list (it would be more complicated than in _approximate if you want to 
append the quote to the suffix given by the user, if any, and if none
was given, just use the quote as an auto-removable suffix -- we would
need quite a bit os argument list parsing here).

But since this isn't the first place where such a wrapper would be
useful, we might want to think about some extension to the C-code to
simplify such things. Any suggestions? (Some kind of associative array 
that holds default values? Hm, for some of the above this wouldn't be
enough. An associative array that holds values that are to be added to 
those given to comp{add,gen}? This may look weird to some users,

This also reminds me of the last thing I'm still thinking about for
the new style completion stuff: a way to access and probably modify
the completions added.
Currently I think about a builtin, say `compdata', that gets the name
of a parameter and the number of a match or group as arguments and
then stores information about the match/group in a associative array
with the given name. Options would say if we want to access the old
list (if any) or the new one, and if we want to access a group or a
match. Then we could either add an option that allows to modify the
existing completions from such an associative array or we allow
options a la compadd to modify the various components directly.

There are several problems, though. For example: the numbering of the
matches, which is really done after the sorting, not while other
matches can still be added. Then we have the problem that some of the
matches may have went into the alternate set instead of the normal set 
(the fignore-thing). Finally, some of the strings stored with the
matches can't easily be changed, including the -P-prefix and ISUFFIX,
but not including the -S-suffix, because the first two are also
contained in the unambiguous string build while adding completions
(which would then become invalid if we allow to modify them).

Because of these problems I haven't implemented anything of this yet,
so I'd like to hear comments/suggestions about all this.


P.S.: What has become of the `re-use-old-list'-completer/patch?

diff -u os/Zle/compctl.c Src/Zle/compctl.c
--- os/Zle/compctl.c	Mon Apr 26 15:41:27 1999
+++ Src/Zle/compctl.c	Tue Apr 27 09:02:12 1999
@@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
 bin_compadd(char *name, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
     struct cadata dat;
-    char *p, **sp, *e, *m;
+    char *p, **sp, *e, *m = NULL;
     int dm;
     Cmatcher match = NULL;
@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@
     if (!*argv)
 	return 1;
-    match = cpcmatcher(match);
+    dat.match = match = cpcmatcher(match);
     dm = addmatchesptr(&dat, argv);
diff -u os/Zle/zle_tricky.c Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c
--- os/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Mon Apr 26 15:41:29 1999
+++ Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c	Tue Apr 27 09:51:02 1999
@@ -6730,11 +6730,13 @@
     return scache;
-/* Insert the given match. This returns the number of characters inserted.*/
+/* Insert the given match. This returns the number of characters inserted.
+ * scs is used to return the position where a automatically created suffix
+ * has to be inserted. */
 static int
-instmatch(Cmatch m)
+instmatch(Cmatch m, int *scs)
     int l, r = 0, ocs, a = cs;
@@ -6784,6 +6786,7 @@
     } else
 	brscs = -1;
     /* -S suffix */
+    *scs = cs;
     if (m->suf) {
 	inststrlen(m->suf, 1, (l = strlen(m->suf)));
 	r += l;
@@ -6855,13 +6858,13 @@
 	/* If REC_EXACT and AUTO_MENU are set and what we inserted is an  *
 	 * exact match, we want menu completion the next time round       *
-	 * so we set fromcomp,to ensure that the word on the line is not  *
+	 * so we set fromcomp, to ensure that the word on the line is not *
 	 * taken as an exact match. Also we remember if we just moved the *
 	 * cursor into the word.                                          */
 	fromcomp = ((isset(AUTOMENU) ? FC_LINE : 0) |
 		    ((atend && cs != lastend) ? FC_INWORD : 0));
-	/* Probably move the cursor to then end. */
+	/* Probably move the cursor to the end. */
 	if (movetoend == 3)
 	    cs = lastend;
@@ -6920,7 +6923,7 @@
 static void
 do_single(Cmatch m)
-    int l, sr = 0;
+    int l, sr = 0, scs;
     int havesuff = 0;
     char *str = m->str, *ppre = m->ppre, *psuf = m->psuf, *prpre = m->prpre;
@@ -6950,7 +6953,7 @@
     /* And then we insert the new string. */
-    menulen = instmatch(m);
+    menulen = instmatch(m, &scs);
     menuend = cs;
     cs = menupos + menulen;
@@ -6969,6 +6972,7 @@
     } else {
 	/* There is no user-specified suffix, *
 	 * so generate one automagically.     */
+	cs = scs;
 	if (m->ripre && (m->flags & CMF_PARBR)) {
 	    /* Completing a parameter in braces.  Add a removable `}' suffix. */
@@ -7019,6 +7023,8 @@
+	if (!menuinsc)
+	    cs = menupos + menulen;
     /* If completing in a brace expansion... */
     if (brbeg) {
@@ -7031,7 +7037,7 @@
 	} else if (!menucmp) {
 	    /* Otherwise, add a `,' suffix, and let `}' remove it. */
-	    cs = menuend;
+	    cs = scs;
 	    havesuff = 1;
 	    inststrlen(",", 1, 1);
@@ -7043,6 +7049,7 @@
 	/* If we didn't add a suffix, add a space, unless we are *
 	 * doing menu completion or we are completing files and  *
 	 * the string doesn't name an existing file.             */
+	cs = scs;
 	inststrlen(" ", 1, 1);
 	if (menuwe)

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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