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Re: zmodload -C ??

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> In making up the patch for the zmodload changes I suggested a few days ago,
> I ran across code that appears to accept a -C option ... but it's not listed
> in the builtin.c definition of the zmodload call signature, so AFAIK it
> can't ever actually be passed to bin_zmodload().  I've forgotten what it
> was for (if it ever was for anything) and the only effect it seems to have
> is to behave almost-but-not-quite the same as -c.
> Should I just delete it?

Ugh. Seems to be a remnant of my thinking about using -c for prefix-
and -C for infix condition codes (or something like that, I don't
remember exactly). Yes, please, if you are building a patch for
module.c anyway, could you just remove it?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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