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Re: PATCH: tty pgrp problem again: third attempt

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> Sven, you're the only person that ever understood the list_pipe stuff. Is
> there a better way of handling this?  Should it really go somewhere in
> execpline() or execpline2()?

Somehow I think, it would be safer in execpline[2](), but I don't
really remember all the list_pipe stuff and we had some patches from
others for it (and the jobbing and signal code) after I worked on that
part of the code, so I may be wrong.
But while playing a bit, I found at least one more bug. If you do:
`ls | if true; then sleep 10; cat; fi' and ^Z the sleep, then fg the
whole thing again, the shell doesn't get hold of the terminal again
after the cat finishes. If you bg before the fg, the cat doesn't get
control (and neither does the shell).

Maybe I'll look some more into this (but I'm sure you are currently
deeper into all this then I).


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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