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PATCH: more list_pipe horrors


The examples are a bit silly -- never mind.

1) x=0; cat foo | while [[ x++ -lt 10000 ]]; do :; done

   ...and then try to ^C it. These are actually two problems, the
   first one is that, if the cat is still running, the loop will not
   be stopped because there is no external command in it and thus the
   jobbing code can't send it a signal or something.
   If the cat isn't running anymore, Peter's latest change made the
   jobbing code not immediately attach the shell process-group to the
   tty, so the ^C was simply lost -- noone listening to it.
   I've solved the first one by setting `breaks=loops' and all that
   when the super-job gets signaled. And I've solved the second one by 
   avoiding the attachtty() only if there are still living processes
   in the process group currently attached. Peter, do you think this
   is correct or can you come up with an example how this fails?

2) cat foo | while read a; do sleep 1; done

   ...and then suspend it, fg it, suspend it, and fg it again -- the
   shell hangs. Again, there are two problems. If the cat has finished 
   at the time of the first ^Z, the sub-shell is put in the process
   group of the parent shell. The first fg succeeds because the parent 
   shell has the sleep in the sub-job, but the second one fails
   because now the parent shell has invalidated the sub-job and it
   thinks it has to use the group leader of the super-job as the
   process group to continue/attach -- which is wrong. I hope I solved 
   this by modifying the gleader field of the super-job in such cases.
   But (this is what I call the second problem), this should only be
   done when the cat has exited.

3) the problem I mentioned in 6285: for things like

      cat foo | while read a; do grep -c $a bar; done

   I sometimes needed to hit ^Z twice to stop the whole thing. It
   seems that this happened only if grep finished very quickly, so
   quickly that I didn't have the time to go to another terminal and
   have a look at thing with ps or something like that. It seemed that 
   the first ^Z stopped only the grep, not the cat. Maybe there is
   some weird race-condition I simply can't find, but I could solve
   the problem by sending SIGSTOP to the super-job in update_job() if
   a process from a sub-job is suspended.

Since some on this list may wonder why we have so much trouble with
pipelines ending in shell constructs, I have put a comment in exec.c
which hopefully explains at least some of the problems we have with


diff -u oos/exec.c Src/exec.c
--- oos/exec.c	Tue May 18 09:16:58 1999
+++ Src/exec.c	Tue May 18 10:53:46 1999
@@ -213,6 +213,78 @@
     return pid;
+ *   Allen Edeln gebiet ich Andacht,
+ *   Hohen und Niedern von Heimdalls Geschlecht;
+ *   Ich will list_pipe's Wirken kuenden
+ *   Die aeltesten Sagen, der ich mich entsinne...
+ *
+ * In most shells, if you do something like:
+ *
+ *   cat foo | while read a; do grep $a bar; done
+ *
+ * the shell forks and executes the loop in the sub-shell thus created.
+ * In zsh this traditionally executes the loop in the current shell, which
+ * is nice to have if the loop does something to change the shell, like
+ * setting parameters or calling builtins.
+ * Putting the loop in a sub-shell makes live easy, because the shell only
+ * has to put it into the job-structure and then treats it as a normal
+ * process. Suspending and interrupting is no problem then.
+ * Some years ago, zsh either couldn't suspend such things at all, or
+ * it got really messed up when users tried to do it. As a solution, we
+ * implemented the list_pipe-stuff, which has since then become a reason
+ * for many nightmares.
+ * Pipelines like the one above are executed by the functions in this file
+ * which call each other (and sometimes recursively). The one above, for
+ * example would lead to a function call stack roughly like:
+ *
+ *  execlist->execpline->execcmd->execwhile->execlist->execpline
+ *
+ * (when waiting for the grep, ignoring execpline2 for now). At this time,
+ * zsh has build two job-table entries for it: one for the cat and one for
+ * the grep. If the user hits ^Z at this point (and jobbing is used), the 
+ * shell is notified that the grep was suspended. The list_pipe flag is
+ * used to tell the execpline where it was waiting that it was in a pipeline
+ * with a shell construct at the end (which may also be a shell function or
+ * several other things). When zsh sees the suspended grep, it forks to let
+ * the sub-shell execute the rest of the while loop. The parent shell walks
+ * up in the function call stack to the first execpline. There it has to find
+ * out that it has just forked and then has to add information about the sub-
+ * shell (its pid and the text for it) in the job entry of the cat. The pid
+ * is passed down in the list_pipe_pid variable.
+ * But there is a problem: the suspended grep is a child of the parent shell
+ * and can't be adopted by the sub-shell. So the parent shell also has to 
+ * keep the information about this process (more precisely: this pipeline)
+ * by keeping the job table entry it created for it. The fact that there
+ * are two jobs which have to be treated together is remembered by setting
+ * the STAT_SUPERJOB flag in the entry for the cat-job (which now also
+ * contains a process-entry for the whole loop -- the sub-shell) and by
+ * setting STAT_SUBJOB in the job of the grep-job. With that we can keep
+ * sub-jobs from being displayed and we can handle an fg/bg on the super-
+ * job correctly. When the super-job is continued, the shell also wakes up
+ * the sub-job. But then, the grep will exit sometime. Now the parent shell
+ * has to remember not to try to wake it up again (in case of another ^Z).
+ * It also has to wake up the sub-shell (which suspended itself immediately
+ * after creation), so that the rest of the loop is executed by it.
+ * But there is more: when the sub-shell is created, the cat may already
+ * have exited, so we can't put the sub-shell in the process group of it.
+ * In this case, we put the sub-shell in the process group of the parent
+ * shell and in any case, the sub-shell has to put all commands executed
+ * by it into its own process group, because only this way the parent
+ * shell can control them since it only knows the process group of the sub-
+ * shell. Of course, this information is also important when putting a job
+ * in the foreground, where we have to attach its process group to the
+ * controlling tty.
+ * All this is made more difficult because we have to handle return values
+ * correctly. If the grep is signaled, its exit status has to be propagated
+ * back to the parent shell which needs it to set the exit status of the
+ * super-job. And of course, when the grep is signaled (including ^C), the
+ * loop has to be stopped, etc.
+ * The code for all this is distributed over three files (exec.c, jobs.c,
+ * and signals.c) and none of them is a simple one. So, all in all, there
+ * may still be bugs, but considering the complexity (with race conditions,
+ * signal handling, and all that), this should probably be expected.
+ */
 int list_pipe = 0, simple_pline = 0;
diff -u oos/jobs.c Src/jobs.c
--- oos/jobs.c	Tue May 18 09:16:59 1999
+++ Src/jobs.c	Tue May 18 10:01:55 1999
@@ -175,8 +175,23 @@
 	    jn->ty = (struct ttyinfo *) zalloc(sizeof(struct ttyinfo));
-	if (jn->stat & STAT_STOPPED)
+	if (jn->stat & STAT_STOPPED) {
+	    if (jn->stat & STAT_SUBJOB) {
+		/* If we have `cat foo|while read a; grep $a bar;done'
+		 * and have hit ^Z, the sub-job is stopped, but the
+		 * super-job may still be running, waiting to be stopped
+		 * or to exit. So we have to send it a SIGSTOP. */
+		int i;
+		for (i = 1; i < MAXJOB; i++)
+		    if ((jobtab[i].stat & STAT_SUPERJOB) &&
+			jobtab[i].other == job) {
+			killpg(jobtab[i].gleader, SIGSTOP);
+			break;
+		    }
+	    }
+	}
     } else {                   /* job is done, so remember return value */
 	lastval2 = val;
 	/* If last process was run in the current shell, keep old status
@@ -202,14 +217,27 @@
 	if (mypgrp != pgrp && inforeground &&
 	    (jn->gleader == pgrp || (pgrp > 1 && kill(-pgrp, 0) == -1))) {
 	    if (list_pipe) {
-		/*
-		 * Oh, dear, we're right in the middle of some confusion
-		 * of shell jobs on the righthand side of a pipeline, so
-		 * it's death to call attachtty() just yet.  Mark the
-		 * fact in the job, so that the attachtty() will be called
-		 * when the job is finally deleted.
-		 */
-		jn->stat |= STAT_ATTACH;
+		if (pgrp > 1 && kill(-pgrp, 0) == -1) {
+		    attachtty(mypgrp);
+		    /* check window size and adjust if necessary */
+		    adjustwinsize(0);
+		} else {
+		    /*
+		     * Oh, dear, we're right in the middle of some confusion
+		     * of shell jobs on the righthand side of a pipeline, so
+		     * it's death to call attachtty() just yet.  Mark the
+		     * fact in the job, so that the attachtty() will be called
+		     * when the job is finally deleted.
+		     */
+		    jn->stat |= STAT_ATTACH;
+		}
+		/* If we have `foo|while true; (( x++ )); done', and hit
+		 * ^C, we have to stop the loop, too. */
+		if ((val & 0200) && inforeground == 1) {
+		    breaks = loops;
+		    errflag = 1;
+		    inerrflush();
+		}
 	    } else {
 		/* check window size and adjust if necessary */
@@ -765,8 +793,10 @@
 		    if (!p) {
 			jn->stat &= ~STAT_SUPERJOB;
+			if (WIFEXITED(jn->procs->status))
+			    jn->gleader = mypgrp;
 			/* This deleted the job too early if the parent
-			   shell waited for a command in list that will
+			   shell waited for a command in a list that will
 			   be executed by the sub-shell (e.g.: if we have
 			   `ls|if true;then sleep 20;cat;fi' and ^Z the
 			   sleep, the rest will be executed by a sub-shell,

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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