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Re: pws-20 parameter completion can't handle new syntax

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On Jun 1, 11:30am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> } Subject: Re: pws-20 parameter completion can't handle new syntax
> }
> } > zagzig% echo ${"comp<TAB>
> } > <BEEP>
> } 
> } Hm, yes. The patch below makes this work, but it also makes `${ comp<TAB>'
> } work, because check_param() gets the string in a form where the quote
> } is replaced by a space.
> I think I'd prefer this particular "fix" were left out.  We're more
> likely to notice that `${"foo' still needs fixing than we are to remember
> to un-fix `${ foo'.

I don't see a better solution without also dealing with the other
quoting-trouble and I have both of them together in my todo-list, so
no need to fear...

> Hmm, perhaps it's time to actually set up a bug tracking system for zsh.

Yes, maybe.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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