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Re: PATCH: pws-19: document minor syntactic innovation

"Bart Schaefer" wrote:
> On Jun 1, 11:56am, Peter Stephenson wrote:
> } Subject: PATCH: pws-19: document minor syntactic innovation
> }
> } I should note that things like ${"foo"} only work by accident: you'll find,
> } for example, that ${"foo"%bar} doesn't work.  That would require swallowing
> } nulled out quotes at another point in paramsubst(), which I hinted at
> } before.  I didn't do this because I didn't see a use for it, but maybe it's
> } more consistent that way?
> If it's messy, I think it could be left out, but yes, it is more consistent
> that way.

This is the patch below; ${"foo"%bar} will now work.  There are still
probably lots of other possible places, but I don't think it's worth
searching for them; if it seems sensible to allow quotes there, someone
will notice at some point.

> } +Note that double quotes may appear around nested quotations, in which case
> Perhaps "nested expansions" rather than "nested quotations"?

Yes, I'll put this onto the list of minor tweaks I have to do.  I've got
the second description of subscripts (outside a nested quotation) wrong,
though the first (directly onto a parameter name) is now correct.

> The full effect of the (@) changes?  It's pretty simple, really.

Yeah, right.

--- Src/subst.c.inull	Tue Jun  1 09:38:34 1999
+++ Src/subst.c	Wed Jun  2 09:54:59 1999
@@ -1168,6 +1168,8 @@
     idend = s;
+    while (INULL(*s))
+	s++;
     if ((colf = *s == ':'))
Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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