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Re: PATCH: Re: Completion and global aliases

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> And it looks like we'd better do something with options, too.  There is the
> code from compinstall, but then there's always the possibility we could
> make it a function as Andrej keeps suggesting.  compinstall could still
> work out the path to the completion functions and make it get passed down
> to compinit, and if compdump was also a function it wouldn't need searching
> for, which removes one headache.

And to avoid having them take up memory we could put (the equivalent
of) `unfunction compinit; autoload compinit' at their ends.

(At least the memory thing was the only reason why I was against
turning them into functions and I hadn't thought of this before... I'm 
a bit slow sometimes.)


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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