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RE: More intellegent suffix removing?

> I don't want zsh to replace a slash if one was added.  What if what I
> intend is to complete a directory and then glob files in that directory
> whose names begin with a digit?

 That was exactly how I found it :-)

> I think Andrej's point -- and it's my point, if not his -- is that '<'
> should be left out of the list of characters that do suffix autoremoval.
> (And therefore probably '>' should be too ... and come to think of it,
> even '|' can be part of a glob pattern.)

Well, at least I have a habit to always separate <, > and | by space from
previous word if used as redirection/pipe, so yes, may be. But in any case `<'
for all-digits name globbing is quite handy once you've started to use it.


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