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Re: New completion - redefine widgets instead of rebinding keys RE: pws-22

"Andrej Borsenkow" wrote:
> Since I've never seen any reply to this, I repeat it here.
> My suggestion was, that instead of rebinding keys (as is done currently) we
> should simply redefine corresponding widgets.

This certainly looks like a good idea.  I think the reason it hasn't been
done is the same as usual:  the functions were written when the system was
still for hackers rather than users.  But certainly most users are going to
switch over completely, if at all, to the new system, and having the old
ones bound is unnecessary and confusing.  Unless I'm missing something.
I'll try it here first: the compinit code should be simpler than before.

Maybe we should mention the .immortal widgets in the zshcompsys manual

By the way, is there a way of getting a list of all widgets (including
builtin ones), apart from the -b option to compctl/compgen?  If not,
shouldn't there be?  E.g. zle -L[l]b ?

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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