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RE: collist loading RE: Patch available for 3.0.6-pre-5

> >
> > /home/bor/.zshrc: failed to load module: collist [6]
> > bor@itsrm2:~%>
> >
> > I suspect, it need zle ot comp1, that are not yet loaded at this point.
> They should be loaded automatically. Is your module path set up
> correctly at the time?

I don't set it up - it is default. It succeeds if I move zmodload to the end.
So, I think, zle/com1 are loaded on first reference to any builtin (bindkey in
my case).

Yes, just tried to put zmodload -L at the beginning and the end:

bor@itsrm2:~%> zsh
start of .zshrc
End of .zshrc
zmodload zle
zmodload compctl
zmodload comp1


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