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Re: pws-22: killing the ZSH loops problem

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On Jun 18, 10:55am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> } Subject: Re: pws-22: killing the ZSH loops problem
> }
> } Unless I'm missing something obvious, we can't simply execute
> } processes in a loop (or other shell construct) in the same pgrp as the 
> } shell. Sure, this would give us the SIGINT, but it would also give us
> } the SIGSTOP -- suspending the shell.
> Strictly speaking, it would give us SIGTSTP -- ^Z does not generate STOP.
> Since TSTP is catchable (unlike STOP), the parent shell simply has to have
> a TSTP handler or ignore TSTP -- which zsh already does.

Oh, yes. Oops. I had tried implementing that and got a SIGSTOP --
without further thinking I wrote the above. Seems like the stuff I had 
hacked together caused update_job() to send a SIGSTOP to the parent
Hm. So there might be a way...


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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