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Re: PATCH: collist v2.0

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> It's hard to know what to do.  You don't expect to be able to set an option
> only when a module is loaded, so I don't think we can have module-dependent
> options.  But zle related options are in the main shell even if zle isn't
> loaded.  Maybe we just have to make it an option (menuselect, obviously)
> anyway and make a bigger effort to load complist when necessary, so you
> would get an error from completion the first time if it's not available.

We can make modules autoloadable on options -- triggered by
(|un)setopt. But then there is still the problem with local options
and all that...

> - some new options will list all modules or builtin modules.  This is
>   probably better but the problem is that with a non-dynamically-linked
>   shell you always get no output from running `zmodload' on its own which
>   is a little Zen-like.  Maybe it should return status 1 in that case as a
>   test for dynamic loading, but status 0 when the list includes builtin
>   modules.

I'd vote for using the exit status and even let these list-options
accept optional arguments. With arguments they just check if the
modules named are loaded (or can be loaded?).

> And I still think the zle command needs the ability to list builtin
> widgets, too.

Definitely, yes -- see 6775.

> One other thing:  I'm still a bit worried about the way undo works, where
> the first time nothing happens if there isn't a suffix to undo.  It's fine
> if there is a suffix which you can undo separately, but I'd be tempted to
> make it skip over that if it does nothing.  That would make it harder if
> you used undo in programming, however, but I don't think people do.

Maybe an option to undo saying if you want to skip `invisible' undos
or not?

> I've done this and I'll try and get pws-$((N+1)) out at the end of the
> week, particularly since I'm busy next week.  There were some other minor
> changes:  a tt(no) in the manual was missing a close parenthesis, some
> dependencies for mod_complist.yo needed adding in the Makefile, a nodref
> referred to `The complist module' instead of `The complist Module'.  These
> are appended below, but it assmues the name changes.

Oh, yes. I forgot to test-make the docs, sorry.

And thanks!


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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