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Re: PATCH: Enhancing math expressions a bit

Peter Stephenson wrote:
> Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> > Ok, with the last patch and the one below, I hacked these two widgets
> I'll make a directory Functions/Zle and put these in

I changed them a bit to make them presentable, so here's what I actually
put in Functions/Zle.  I hope I've deciphered the behaviour OK --- does the
incremental_completer really work yet?

Comments on behaviour:

- <TAB> in i-c-w should probably cause the function to exit if it
  gets a unique completion.  (Note menucompletion is now explicitly
  turned off inside the function.)
- a left parenthesis typed in insert-files is causing the whole function to
  crash; probably also nobadpattern needs to be set inside (I have it
  set all the time).

# incremental-complete-word() {

# Autoload this function, run `zle -N <func-name>' and bind <func-name>
# to a key.

# This allows incremental completion of a word.  After starting this
# command, a list of completion choices is shown after every character you
# type, which you can delete with ^h or DEL.  RET will accept the
# completion so far.  You can hit TAB to do normal completion and ^g to
# abort back to the state when you started.
# Completion keys:
#   incremental_prompt   Prompt to show in status line during icompletion
#   incremental_stop     Pattern matching keys which will cause icompletion
#                        to stop and the key to re-executed
#   incremental_break    Pattern matching keys which will cause icompletion
#                        to stop and the key to be discarded
#   incremental_completer  Name of completion widget to call to get choices

emulate -L zsh
unsetopt menucomplete # doesn't work well

local key lbuf="$LBUFFER" rbuf="$RBUFFER" pmpt

[[ -n "$compconfig[incremental_completer]" ]] &&
set ${(s.:.)compconfig[incremental_completer]}
pmpt="${compconfig[incremental_prompt]-incremental completion...}"

zle list-choices
zle -R "$pmpt"
read -k key

while [[ '#key' -ne '#\\r' && '#key' -ne '#\\n' &&
         '#key' -ne '#\\C-g' ]]; do
  if [[ "$key" = ${~compconfig[incremental_stop]} ]]; then
    zle -U "$key"
  elif [[ "$key" = ${~compconfig[incremental_break]} ]]; then
  elif [[ '#key' -eq '#\\C-h' || '#key' -eq '#\\C-?' ]]; then
    [[ $#LBUFFER -gt $#l ]] && LBUFFER="$LBUFFER[1,-2]"
  elif [[ '#key' -eq '#\\t' ]]; then
    zle complete-word "$@"
  zle list-choices "$@"
  zle -R "$pmpt"
  read -k key

if [[ '#key' -eq '#\\C-g' ]]; then
zle -Rc
# }

# insert-files() {

# Autoload this function, run `zle -N <func-name>' and bind <func-name>
# to a key.

# This function allows you type a file pattern, and see the results of the
# expansion at each step.  When you hit return, they will be inserted into
# the command line.

local key str files

files=( *(N) )
if (( $#files )); then
  zle -R "files: ${str}_" "$files[@]"
  zle -R "files: ${str}_ (failed)"
read -k key
while [[ '#key' -ne '#\\r' && '#key' -ne '#\\n' &&
         '#key' -ne '#\\C-g' ]]; do
  if [[ '#key' -eq '#\\C-h' || '#key' -eq '#\\C-?' ]]; then
    [[ -n "$str" ]] && str="$str[1,-2]"
  files=( ${~str}*(N) )
  if (( $#files )); then
    zle -R "files: ${str}_" "$files[@]"
    zle -R "files: ${str}_ (failed)"
  read -k key
zle -Rc
if [[ '#key' -ne '#\\C-g' && $#files -gt 0 ]]; then
  [[ "$LBUFFER[-1]" = ' ' ]] || files=('' "$files[@]")
# }

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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