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Re: some notes on 3.1.6

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> .. but requiring that all
> widgets they want to bind have to be defined by the user first is a
> bit too much, I think

But they don't have to be defined first.

% bindkey '^[OS' foobar
% bindkey '^[OR' whatever
% foobar() { whatever() { LBUFFER="${LBUFFER}x" }; zle -N whatever; }
% zle -N foobar

works as expected (S-F12 then S-F11 on my keyboard adds an 'x', without
`whatever' being defined when I bound it.  Unless I've missed the point.

> The
> AUTO_PARAM_SLASH problem was already mentioned (the problem is that we 
> made such parameter completions be handled almost completely in shell
> code, so we would have to add the slashes there, too, which is a bit
> slowish).

I've actually been doing the following and it's not so bad (it doesn't
actually use the option).  Maybe it could just blindly use the option, as
long as we mention the fact that it may be slow.  Maybe there's a way of
enhancing compadd to get it to work easily: some form of the -f option
which takes an array argument giving to the actual files to test instead
of using the normal arguments?

#compdef -parameter-

setopt localoptions extendedglob

local p pms dirlist normlist
#pms=(${${${${(f)"$(typeset +)"}:#*local *\=*}##* }:/^$PREFIX*$SUFFIX})
_parameters -O pms

for p in $pms; do
  if [[ -d ${(P)p} ]]; then
    dirlist=($dirlist $p)
    normlist=($normlist $p)

(( #dirlist )) && compadd -S / -q $dirlist
(( #normlist )) && compadd $normlist

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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