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Re: PATCH: per-match-display-strings

In article <199909141443.QAA29594@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
  Sven Wischnowsky <wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> This adds the `-d' and `-l' options to `compadd'.

I found a problem with this.

Script started on Wed Sep 15 21:40:00 1999
$ Src/zsh -f
is27e1u11% echo $$ > /tmp/zsh.pid
is27e1u11% bindkey -e; fpath=($PWD/Completion/*(/)); autoload -U compinit; compinit -D; compdef _tst tst
is27e1u11% zmodload complist
is27e1u11% _tst () { compadd -d $'(a\\\n b)' c d }
is27e1u11% tst <TAB>

This produces infinite spaces...
Tanaka Akira

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