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Re: completion groups (was: Re: PATCH: _cd)

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> Anyway, with that every well-behaved completion function (especially
> those that add different types of matches) would do something like:
>   if _requested foo; then
>     ...
>   fi
> The biggest problem I see with this (and for which I don't have a good 
> solution yet) is how we choose the tags. If every function that adds
> different types of matches uses tags roughly describing the type this
> would obviously result in a plethora of tags and users would have to
> keep monstrous lists of tags they want to see.

Here's something I thought about last night, which should be fairly
powerful and flexible.  I'll give you the verbose version first, but it can
be shortened, as described later.  It doesn't really solve the tags
problem, but, by making both the priority of the completion (i.e. when it
gets added to the list, if it does) and the position where the completion
occurred separate, maybe it makes it a bit less important.

The idea is that _requested gets both a tag, which is a generic type, and a
locator, which gives the context in the form <_func>[-><state>],
e.g. _rpm->query or just _dvi for a simple case.  It gets called as
  _requested <varname> <tag> <_func>[-><state>]
where the <varname> gives the name of a variable which is a assigned a
priority string, usually just a number, and it can be configured by
and the priorities so assigned get used by an _arguments-like function,
_priority.  (In the less verbose version this all gets combined into one
function, apart from user configuration.)

A concrete example might be more useful.  Let's consider a simplified
_dvi.  Three tags are involved: `glob', meaning complete the specific glob
pattern for the file, here `*.dvi', `path', meaning complete a directory
path, and `anyfile', meaning complete any old file (name chosen to
differentiate it from cases where completing any old file, rather than some
globbed version, is likely to be the default, which would be called
`file', but in principle they can be the same).  So _dvi looks like this:

#compdef dvips ...

local globpri pathpri anyfilepri
# Get the priorities from _comprequested or defaults.
_requested globpri glob _dvi
# sets $globpri to the priority for a glob in _dvi
_requested pathpri path _dvi
_requested anyfilepri anyfile _dvi
# etc.

# Now use the assigned priorities.  _priority gets arguments like
# _arguments, except that the first is a number giving the priority.
# All priority 1 completions are tried first and simultaneously;
# if there none, priority 2 is tried, and so on.  priority 0
# means don't try this at all.  Some convention (e.g. >=100) could give
# `alternative' priority.
_priority "${globpri}:.dvi file:_path_files -g '*.dvi'" \
          "${pathpri}:directory:_path_files -/" \
          "${anyfilepri}:any file:_path_files" && return
# Here, we would handle any state stuff, i.e. an action `->state', just
# like for arguments.  This would make it necessary to loop over the
# _priority call, since you wouldn't know whether there were matches at the
# current priority until after the state was handled, and hence some
# hidden variable, global to the completion system but which could be
# made local in _main_complete, such as $_comppri is necessary.  I haven't
# worked through this enough to know when you need to reset it; I suppose
# it's a bit like _compskip.
# _arguments handling can easily be combined with priorities, either
# by using separate functions, or by getting _arguments to produce
# some '->pstate' and calling _priority with the locator '_dvi->pstate'.

Here's how to configure the priorities, maybe via a function comprequest,
just like compconf.  _comprequested is an assoc array:

# Always try specific glob patterns with first priority.  (Probably
# 1 needs to be a global default for priorities, but maybe defaults can
# be done better than that.)

# The default (last pattern, always matches) is to show paths along with
# other first priority stuff.  However, we've decided that for _dvi
# we only want paths if there are no *.dvi files.  For some reason,
# we've decided that _tex should never complete paths (presumably
# unless there is already a / in it --- that's a different question).

# Here, we've decided that we don't usually want to complete any old file
# if the other stuff fails.  However, in the fictitous state
# `->tarfile' for the _tar completer, we've decided we want to complete any
# file if the first priority failed.

It would be simple to extend _priority arguments so that they can contain
more than one set of priority/description/action sets each.  The use of
that is you can then go mad and do:

_comprequested[glob]='_dvi=2\:DVI files\:*.DVI\:1:...'

which has the effect of adding a priority 2 entry for *.DVI files ahead of
the normal entry for *.dvi files, which gets priority 1.  You probably
wouldn't want to do such jiggery pokery very often, but maybe it's cleaner
than altering the function.

The less verbose version is just simply to do the _requested stuff in
_priority (which could then be called _requested instead), so its arguments
would look something like:

_requested "glob/_dvi:.dvi file:_path_files -g '*.dvi'" \
           "path/_dvi:directory:_path_files -/" \
           "anyfile/_dvi:any file:_path_files" \
	   "3:last resort:_anything_you_like"

(or is `_dvi/glob' more natural?) where the last example shows there's no
conflict with having fixed priorities as well as key-driven ones.  This
would be neater; I simply described my first idea first to show how it
breaks down.

There are various problems.  First, it slows down the whole thing even more
with yet another round of processing, but that's what you get from allowing
increased complexity.  Second, it's still hard to thing up appropriate tags
for widely disparate completions, though as long as you know what to put
in _comprequested I don't think it directly affects the usability.  In
fact, pretty much the same issue occurs with both tags and locators;
they're really an arbitrary way of grouping similar things which occur in
different completions that allow you to choose the configuration reasonably

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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