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command-spelling correction strangeness

This is zsh-3.1.6-pws-{5,6} on i586-pc-linux-gnu, with glibc-2.1.2.
(I think that this also occurred under zsh-3.1.6.)

I have a non-executable, non-zero-size file "ps"
(-rw-r--r--   1 kimoto   kimoto        268 Mar 30 16:44 ps)
in a directory ahead of /bin in PATH.  When I have the "correct" and
"autocd" options set, often zsh offers to correct "ps" to "ls" _after_ 
"ps" has been run once.

I can reliably reproduce this under "zsh -f" as follows:

### begin example

perdita[0,821]: zsh -f
perdita% setopt correct autocd
perdita% ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
  421 ttyp1    00:00:19 zsh 
  565 ttyp1    00:00:00 tail
20787 ttyp1    00:00:05 emacs
21382 ttyp1    00:00:00 less 
21422 ttyp1    00:00:00 zsh  
21423 ttyp1    00:00:00 ps   
perdita% ps
zsh: correct 'ps' to 'ls' [nyae]? n
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
  421 ttyp1    00:00:19 zsh  
  565 ttyp1    00:00:00 tail 
20787 ttyp1    00:00:05 emacs
21382 ttyp1    00:00:00 less 
21422 ttyp1    00:00:00 zsh  
21424 ttyp1    00:00:00 ps  

### end example

I am not a zsh-workers subscriber, so please cc me as

        -Paul <kimoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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