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Re: Latest CVS: configure --pre=/to does not work

(Responding to 8716, which I pulled from my archive account as I mentioned.)

On Nov 22, 11:27am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
} Subject: Re: Latest CVS: configure --pre=/to does not work
} This patch also fixes this for me:
} Tanaka Akira wrote:
} > Z:akr@is27e1u11% Src/zsh -f
} > is27e1u11% bindkey -e; fpath=($PWD/Completion/*(/)); autoload -U compinit; compinit -D; compdef _tst tst
} > is27e1u11% cvs <TAB>
} > CVS/           Src/           commit        init          rtag
} > Completion/    StartupFiles/  diff          log           status
} > Config/        Util/          edit          login         tag
} > Doc/           add           editors       logout        unedit
} > Etc/           admin         export        rdiff         update
} > Functions/     annotate      history       release       watch
} > Misc/          checkout      import        remove        watchers
} > 
} > Wow. filenames shouldn't listed.
} > 
} > And after second <TAB>:
} > 
} > is27e1u11% cvs --allow-root=CVS/
} > 
} > Of cause, the option `--allow-root' shouldn't completed.
} That was caused by the wrong test, too.

I now get the following equally strange behavior:

zagzig<3> cvs <TAB>
add        commit     export     log        release    tag        watchers 
admin      diff       history    login      remove     unedit              
annotate   edit       import     logout     rtag       update              
checkout   editors    init       rdiff      status     watch               
zagzig<3> cvs -<TAB>
zagzig<3> cvs - <TAB>
zagzig<3> cvs - --allow-root=

And --allow-root= is still the *only* option it will complete, even though
several others are passed to "_arguments -s" by _cvs.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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