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Completion listing with ksharrays

In article <rsqk8lg38mu.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
  Tanaka Akira <akr@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I found that `cd -<TAB>' doesn't work with ksharrays.
> It is caused by the behaviour of dirstack parametar:

No.  I found that `cd -<TAB>' problem is not dirstack/cd dependent.

Z(2):akr@is27e1u11% Src/zsh -f
is27e1u11% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
is27e1u11% zstyle ':completion*' group-name ''
is27e1u11% zstyle ':completion*:descriptions' format '%d'
is27e1u11% ls C<TAB>
CVS/            ChangeLog       ChangeLog.3.0   Completion/     Config/

`ls C<TAB>' lists filenames beginning with `C' as above.

is27e1u11% setopt ksharrays
is27e1u11% ls C<TAB>

But when ksharrays is set, completions is not listed.
Tanaka Akira

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