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compset -P '/'

I found a problem with completion.

Z(2):akr@is27e1u11% Src/zsh -f
is27e1u11% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D; compdef _tst tst
is27e1u11% rm -rf z
is27e1u11% mkdir z z/y
is27e1u11% touch z/a
is27e1u11% _tst () {
function> compset -P '/'
function> _path_files -g '*(^/)'
function> _path_files -g '*(/)'
function> }
is27e1u11% tst /z/<TAB>


is27e1u11% tst /

zsh removes `z/' and the cursor is places on retained `/'.
But it should complete the file `a' and the directory `y'.

If the prefix is a colon rather than a slash, it works well.

is27e1u11% _tst () {
compset -P ':'
_path_files -g '*(^/)'
_path_files -g '*(/)'
is27e1u11% tst :z/<TAB>
a   y/
Tanaka Akira

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