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Re: PATCH: Re: Completion for mutt

Ollivier Robert wrote:

> ...
> > above is used only for compctls. The completion system uses the
> > _matcher completer, see the compsys manual/info (there is also a bit
> > of discussion about this going on...).
> I've had a look at it. I've tried the example given (which seems similar in
> goal as the old compctl thing) but I still can complete in a
> case-independant fashion.
> echo $zs<TAB>v<TAB>
> used to complete into
> Likewise, I was able to do 
> more /usr/src/etc/mak<TAB>
> and have choice between "make.conf", "Makefile" and "MAKEDEV". Now, only
> "make.conf" is given.
> I do appreciate the nice efforts you're all putting into the new completion
> system but I think it is becoming very complicated to configure...

This makes me cry for help...

> I have this:
> zstyle ':completion:::::' completer _matcher _complete _matcher _complete
> zstyle ':completion:*:matcher-1:::' matcher 'm:{a-z-}={A-Z_}'
> zstyle ':completion:*:matcher-2:::' matcher 'm:{a-z-}={A-Z_}' 'r:|[-_./]=* r:|=*'
> I'm confused.

I'm confused, too, because it works for me... maybe some missing
patch of those that have appeared after dev-18.

Btw, when I wrote _matcher I was tempted to change _main_complete to
allow it to give arguments to completers, taken from the style, as in

  zstyle ... completer '_matcher m:{a-z}={A-Z}' _complete ...

Or maybe make _main_complete just eval the things and let the global
match specs be stored in a user visible parameter:

  zstyle ... completer matcher='m:{a-z}={A-Z}' _complete ...

Dunno if any of this would be better (it may be hard to decide what to 
do with styles and what to do with arguments/other means).


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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