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Re: Style names

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> ...
> The particular problem is with `menu' and `list' in _oldlist, and
> `original' in _match.  These do slightly different things to the same
> styles when used elsewhere --- this is explicit in the manual --- so that
> you need to alter the context to make the style change a different feature.
> This is a little unnatural, and more importantly for my purpose harder to
> do automatically.  I'd like to suggest, therefore, that the styles for
> these uses be renamed to old-menu, old-list and match-original (or some
> other set to be agreed upon).  Then I can simply whack them in without
> worrying about altering the context.

I think that's ok. Probably even less confusing for users anyway.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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