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Re: PATCH: _zcompile and _autoload

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:

> It's a pity that the functions in Builtins are older than _arguments...

This patch updates _enable, _disable and _fc to use _arguments and does
a couple of other minor things.


--- Completion/Builtins/_nothing.bak	Fri Mar 31 16:33:30 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_nothing	Fri Mar 31 16:40:43 2000
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-#compdef true false whoami
+#compdef true false log times whoami
 _message 'no argument or option'
--- Completion/Builtins/_cd.bak	Fri Mar 31 16:36:40 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_cd	Fri Mar 31 16:36:49 2000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#compdef cd pushd
+#compdef cd chdir pushd
 # Handling of cd.
 #  - Normally just completes directories.  Uses cdpath if that's set
--- /dev/null	Fri Mar 31 16:57:39 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_emulate	Fri Mar 31 16:57:51 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#compdef emulate
+_arguments -C -s \
+  '-L[set local_options and local_traps as well]' \
+  '-R[reset all options instead of only those needed for script portability]' \
+  '1::shell to emulate:(zsh sh ksh csh)'
--- Completion/Builtins/_enable.bak	Thu Mar 30 16:14:23 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_enable	Fri Mar 31 11:26:57 2000
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
 #compdef enable
-local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" args
-[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] &&
-    tags=( 'aliases:alias:compadd - ${(@k)dis_aliases} ${(@k)dis_galiases} )
-[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] &&
-    tags=( "$tags[@]" 'functions:shell function:compadd - ${(@k)dis_functions}' )
-[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] &&
-    tags=( "$tags[@]" 'reserved-words:reserved word:compadd - ${(@k)dis_reswords}' )
-[[ "$prev" != -* ]]  &&
-    tags=( 'builtins:builtin command:compadd - ${(@k)dis_builtins} )
-_alternative "$args[@]"
+_arguments -C -s \
+  "(-f -r)-a[act on aliases]:*:aliases:(${(k)dis_aliases})" \
+  "(-a -r)-f[act on functions]:*:functions:(${(k)dis_functions})" \
+  "(-a -f)-r[act on reserved words]:*:reserved-words:(${(k)dis_reswords})" \
+  '-m[treat arguments as patterns]' \
+  "*:builtin command:(${(@k)dis_builtins})"
--- Completion/Builtins/_disable.bak	Fri Mar 31 11:28:56 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_disable	Fri Mar 31 13:42:45 2000
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
 #compdef disable
-local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" args
-[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] &&
-    tags=( 'aliases:alias:compadd - ${(@k)aliases} ${(@k)galiases} )
-[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] &&
-    tags=( "$tags[@]" 'functions:shell function:compadd - ${(@k)functions}' )
-[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] &&
-    tags=( "$tags[@]" 'reserved-words:reserved word:compadd - ${(@k)reswords}' )
-[[ "$prev" != -* ]]  &&
-    tags=( 'builtins:builtin command:compadd - ${(@k)builtins} )
-_alternative "$args[@]"
+_arguments -C -s \
+  "(-f -r)-a[act on aliases]:*:aliases:(${(k)aliases} ${(k)galiases})" \
+  "(-a -r)-f[act on functions]:*:functions:(${(k)functions})" \
+  "(-a -f)-r[act on reserved words]:*:reserved-words:(${(k)reswords})" \
+  '-m[treat arguments as patterns]' \
+  "*:builtin command:(${(k)builtins})"
--- Completion/Builtins/_fc.bak	Fri Mar 31 13:57:59 2000
+++ Completion/Builtins/_fc	Fri Mar 31 16:23:19 2000
@@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
-#compdef fc
+#compdef fc history
-local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]"
+local fc_common
-if [[ "$prev" = -*e ]]; then
-  _command_names -e
-elif [[ "$prev" = -[ARWI]## ]]; then
-  _files
+fc_common=( \
+  '(-A -R -W -I)-m[treat first argument as a pattern]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I)-r[reverse order of the commands]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e)-n[suppress line numbers]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e -f -E -i)-d[print time-stamps]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e -d -E -i)-f[mm/dd/yyyy format time-stamps]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e -d -f -i)-E[dd.mm.yyyy format time-stamps]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e -d -f -E)-i[yyyy-mm-dd format time-stamps]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I -e)-D[print elapsed times]' \
+  '(-A -R -W -I)*::commands:_command_names -e' )
+if [[ $words[1] = *history ]]; then
+  _arguments -C -s "$fc_common[@]"
+  _arguments -C -s \
+    '(-A -R -W -I -e)-l[list resulting commands on stdout]' \
+    '(-A -R -W -I -l -n -d -f -E -i -D)-e[specify editor to invoke]:editor to invoke:_command_names -e' \
+    '(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -A -W *)-R[read history from file]:history file:_files' \
+    '(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -R -W *)-A[append history to file]:history file:_files' \
+    '(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -R -A *)-W[write history to file]:history file:_files' \
+    '(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -A -W *)-I[read/write new events only]:history file:_files' \
+    "$fc_common[@]"

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