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_arguments questions


I have some troubles with nested `_arguments'...

  _foo () { 
    _arguments -c -d -e

  _test () {
    _arguments -a -b '-c:*::blah: _foo'

The wanted behaviour is that any arguments given after the first `-c' shall
complete to `-c', `-d', or `-e'.  Unfortunately:

  phobos% compdef _test test
  phobos% test -c -<TAB>
  -a   -b

Strange. Tracing trough the code, I found that the call to `_arguments' in
`_foo' returned 1 because `compargument -i' ensures that CURRENT > 1.
Indeed, if I add a dummy option after the first `-c' it completes right :

  phobos% test -c -dummy -<TAB>
  -c   -d   -e

Then, I can try to add this dummy word automatically :

  _bar () {
    words=(dummy $words)
    (( ++CURRENT ))

  _test () {
    _arguments -a -b '-c:*::blah: _bar'

But the behaviour is now

  phobos% test -c -<TAB>
  -a   -b   -c   -d   -e

with unwanted `-a' and `-b'.  And after the first option I get

  phobos% test -c -d -<TAB>
  -c   -e

which is correct.

So questions are
 1) is there a simplier way to nest `_arguments' ?
 2) how to suppress those unwanted `-a' and `-b' ?

Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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