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Re: PATCH: scrolling completion lists (was: Re: Questions)

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> Some other minor comments on scrolling, which I'm not suggesting any
> immediate action on:
> - the %l in list-prompt adds some spaces after it, so a message like
>   `listing completions at %l, space to scroll'
>   looks a little messy

Right (%m does the same). I was torn in two here... if you have a
select-prompt like

  'Match %m  Line %l  %p'

I think it is nice that the `Line...' doesn't move back and forth when 
moving from match number 9 to number 10 or something like that. And I
was to lazy to allow `%<num>l'.
I'll see what I can do here, which may well result in just removing
the alignement.

> - maybe it would be better if this one understood %p, too, just for
>   consistency

Yep, shouldn't be too hard (see above, keyword `lazy').

> - maybe there should likewise by a (different) default prompt here, too

There is a very simple builtin default, but maybe, yes.

> - I understand the need for the difference between scrolling in listing and
>   in menu selection, but (this is basically what Zefram was saying) we need
>   to keep it as intuitive as possible.  So for example I'm not necessarily
>   yet convinced that it would be a bad thing to be able to scroll backwards
>   in the completion list form (given this is already in the code).

Most of the things we need are indeed there. It's mostly a matter of
passing one more bit of information from the function that displays
the prompt back to the main listing function.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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