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RE: PATCH: Re: Shell-word splitting (was: Re: Proposed _history completer)

> Anyway, here's the patch, implementing the (z) flag which makes the
> parameter value be zplitted uzing zsh zhell zyntax. This works a bit
> like the (s) flag (or the `=' before the name) and is done at the very
> end, so to access words resulting from the splitting:

Why is it so similar ... is it not the same as was implemented for
copy-prev-shell-word? I mean, in this case c-p-s-w may well be
implemented as pure shell-level widget ... may be, it is not worth it
now ...

The only problem is, what happens if current line is incomplete? That
is, is this modifier useful in widgets that deal with current line?
Suppose, we have something like ``echo "foo '' - what will be the result
of (z) modifier?


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