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Re: Compinstall on Cygwin notes

> MW1G17C% compinstall
> the line as it is, or empty, I won't search.
> file> /cygdrive/h//.zshrc
> Note the double slash here. It happens, because I have home drive
> mapping in my profile so NT automatically sets
> HOME=H:\
> that is being translated by Cygwin into
> /cygdrive/h/

You'll have to persuade it not to.  I've come to the conclusion it's just
not rational to go through the entire code for zsh turning checking every
single possible occurence of a double slash just because cygwin uses double
slashes for network resources.  Strip the / in .zshenv.

> In any case, I think, it is nice if compinstall would support widget
> selection here. It could also remind, that if you select _match or
> _expand completers, you better change your default completion widget.

> there are some options that change how completion is performed, notably,
> bash compatibilty, if we want list or want to go straight to menu etc.
> Is it possible to configure the same with styles? If not, it would be
> very nice if compinstall could also set them as well.

It's a fairly simple shell function, just quite long, and I'd be very, very
happy for anybody else to add some of the 5,000 possible features I'm at
the last count aware of to compinstall.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cambridge Silicon Radio, Unit 300, Science Park, Milton Road,
Cambridge, CB4 0XL, UK                          Tel: +44 (0)1223 392070

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