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_path_files and glob qualifiers

zagzig[20] zstyle -L | grep completer
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _oldlist _expand _complete _match _ignored _approximate _prefix

At first I thought the following was a problem with _expand:

zagzig[21] echo *zshenv(D)
.zshenv zshenv
zagzig[22] ls *zshenv(D)<TAB>
zagzig[23] ls zshenv
Completing corrections
Completing original

Comparing an example that does work against the above via ^X?, I find that
the real problem is that on line 305, _path_files tests [[ ! -o globdots ]]
and therefore fails to generate dot-files as possible matches, even though
the pattern includes the glob-dots qualifier.

A potential solution is to change [[ "$PREFIX" = .* ]] on lines 305 and 311
to [[ "$PREFIX" = (.*|*\([^^]#D*\)) ]] or something like that, but I'm not
entirely sure if that's correct (particularly when there is a suffix).  It
might instead be necessary to test earlier and setopt localoptions globdots
if the qualifier is spotted.

But then there's the problem of generalizing to other qualifiers ...

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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