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"antecedents" [was Re: a couple of completion questions]

> Sorry, I don't understand... what do you want to do?

Okay.  I want to use _arguments -A in the state switch at the bottom.
Originally, install and record_avail were the same case, but when I
added -A, they wouldn't complete, so I had to insert the options
that had gotten the user to that state, which is why install and
record_avail are two separate cases now.

I want to avoid making remove, purge, status, and listfiles
four separate cases, yet still retain the -A to _arguments.
My last resort would probably be to define four new arrays with
the short and long options and then use something like
${(P)${:-_dpkg_actions_${state}}}, but I was hoping that there
was a better way.

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