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PATCH: comptest must pass -u to compinit

If compinit decides to prompt during "make check", the tests hang forever
(because the prompt is appearing on the slave side of zpty).

Index: Test/comptest
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
 stty columns 80 rows 24
 bindkey -e
 autoload -U compinit
-compinit $dump
+compinit -u $dump
 zstyle ":completion:*:default" list-colors "no=<NO>" "fi=<FI>" "di=<DI>" "ln=<LN>" "pi=<PI>" "so=<SO>" "bd=<BD>" "cd=<CD>" "ex=<EX>" "mi=<MI>" "tc=<TC>" "sp=<SP>" "lc=<LC>" "ec=<EC>\n" "rc=<RC>"
 zstyle ":completion:*" group-name ""
 zstyle ":completion:*:messages" format "<MESSAGE>%d</MESSAGE>

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

Zsh: http://www.zsh.org | PHPerl Project: http://phperl.sourceforge.net   

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